posted message: Hey everybody! I have a new video course (which is why I haven't been around very much). The first 49 people can take the class for free! There's over 210 lectures in total with more than 18 hours of video content. is the short URL.
posted message: Learn PHP is looking for another Organizer to help update and create new lectures on Anybody interested should contact me with credentials and why they would be a better teacher on here than other applicants. Don't be shy! And all applicants will be reviewed equally. Because having someone be biased against you for no reason is pretty lame. :) Talk to you soon!
posted message: Just to keep everyone informed, I am working on the next class. It's about 70% done. There's a couple tweaks I need to make for everything to work exactly like Facebook - and they are being quite stubborn. But what is coding without stubborn code?
posted message: INPUT WANTED: If anyone has any suggestions that you think would make these classes easier, or better, or more interesting - comment it or message it to me! I'm willing to make some changes for 360+ people :)
posted message:!/Create_your_0wn Twitter; follow the creation!
posted message: For those who are interested, we now have a Google+ page, Facebook Page, and a Twitter account. The links are on the left of the page. +1 us, Like us, and Follow us!
posted message: Hey everybody! There's a new class up and ready to go! Sorry it took me so long to get this one up! I had some issues with the CSS, and you'll notice some of it is glitchy. I'm not too worries about the styling of the site, as long as it looks close to Facebook. Again, my apologies for the late class! Enjoy!
posted message: Step 8. Validation & Registration is up! Any problems, definitely ask!
posted message: Step 6, the Signup Page - We need to change the input email ID to "email_reg", from "email". I overlooked the login form which already uses the ID "email".
posted message: Step 6, The Signup Page has a major change in it. In the registration form, I added the "id" parameter to each field. I forgot to add that in there - it's important that we have those. We added id='firstname', id='lastname', id='email', id='email_confirm', id='password', id='sex', id='birthday_month', id='birthday_day', id='birthday_year'.
posted message: Because of a few session problems, I changed "". Remove the line "session_start()" and replace it with if(!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } This means, if a session hasn't already started it will start one, and if it is started it will skip this step. Hopefully that fixes some problems for some of you.
posted message: Right on! We have 300 people taking an interest in this class! We'll be getting started really soon! If you haven't already, please bookmark this page. It'll just be easier than searching for it on everytime you come on here.
posted message: Hey there everybody! Thank you all for signing up for this class! This is very exciting stuff! I can't wait to show you all how easy it is to make a social networking website, and how the biggest social website in the world really is not THAT complex. We're at 274 people right now! So close to that 300 mark we need to get started! Definitely post this class on twitter, facebook, google+, reddit, or anywhere else that might make this class possible!
posted message: Just so everybody knows, this is not short class. It might take a couple months or so to finish. Facebook is a fairly large website now with lots of features. What took Mark Zuckerberg a week to make, was a very basic website that you could create in less time than that! Soon we'll be making a larger scale Facebook. One that has more than just profiles and relationship statuses.
posted message: We're getting very very close!We only need 86 more people to sign up for this class and we'll get started! Thank you everyone who has been helping spread the word, you are the ones making this possible for everyone else! :)
posted message: We've got 10 people ready for this so far! It's a really big class, so I want 300 people! This way the hundreds of hours I put in preparing the teaching material will be worth it :) If you know anyone who's interested in something like this, send them to this page!
posted message: We have 3 participants already! Only 297 more and I will teach you how to create your very own facebook!
posted message: We need 300 people to follow or participate in this class for it to start!
posted message: Tonight there will be another class posted. Unfortunately, next week we won't have any classes. I am moving and won't have access to the internet for the week. In the mean time, just keep practising the code we've gone over. And feel free to search on some function references and what they do.
posted message: Tonight I'll write a class about functions, in-depth.