I'm some what new to the world of programing. I have taken a college course for C ++ and it seemed to really click with me. Since that class I have started to teach my self some java for developing android apps. Now that I know a bit of java im now looking to learn web design, as well as increasing my knowlage of java. I'm hoping this site will help me progress further. That's enough of my brief programming history, now about me. I'm currently going to school for computer science. This is my first year for computer science, before I was going for computer science I was going to school for engeneering. I made the switch after I realized engeneering wasn't what I thought it was. Now I'm pursuing my goal of becoming a good web designer/mobile device developer such as android and ios. Out side of school I am captain of my paintball team. Our team compeates in 3 man and 5 man speedball as well as 24 hour scenario games. I am a big adrenaline junky. I love rollercoasters, I've been sky diving and scuba diving both of which I wish i could do more often but they are to pricey.