Not sure I completely understand...:) Do you mean an online space for folks with physical makerspaces to talk and share ideas? If so, that's a cool idea. I think G+ hangouts would be good for that. (I think MAKE magazine does something like that.) It also seems like I recently saw a tweet chat on that subject.
karen Jan. 30, 2013, 1:23 p.m.
Hi Karen, thank you for the reply and clarification. Yes! an online space for makers and makerspace folks to talk and share. Exactly. But there's more. Sorry its been sooo long from hearing from you. This maker thing just took off.
I have to thank you for the prompt of what is an "online makerspace?" It seems my learning journey has catapulted me in unexpected ways. Um, I'm not even sure where its going and how it becomes hybrid-- so a physical makerspace and an online makerspace. But I guess my working hybrid or blended anaology is how we are phycially present and also virtually present in certain online environments. Our making takes different forms here online, but there are mirrors of certain kinds.
Anyway, I'm working with a group of Vermont Makers on the Champlain Maker Faire, and trying to create a network out creating an online space on the spruz platform. I just created the site, so we'll see what happens.
But where I want to crank up the virtual aspect is in the sense of designing in a virtual world where there are no physical contraints, such as materials. The added advantage is the open online accessibility to this collaborative design learning environment. Back to the idea I mentioned, prototyping in the virtual world, then printing, or actualizing it physically. This apporach would enable learners who cannot be present physcially, to collaborate and contribute with presence.
I finally got our Printerbot up and running, here it is being constructed