This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Set the stage.

Think about who is coming to your P2PU course.

Your task:

  • Post an answer to: "Who is coming to your course?" You can:
    • Draw a picture of a potential P2PU peer
    • Brainstorm 3 words that your peers might use
    • List where your potential peers hang out--either on the web or in real life (IRL)
  • Post a URL to your course with the tasks inserted with skills. 


Step 1: Define your audience.

 Who is your coming? What will attract them?


  • Think about the skills they want. You can tag your course with those skills in the "Course Creation" page.

  • Consider what language they use. You may want to phrase your tasks and activities in terms they are familiar with.

  • Where do they hang out? Think about the places, activities and tools that get your peers jazzed up.

Step 2: Identify Skills.

What do you want learners to be able to do when they are done?

  • Make a list of skills you want folks to master in your course. Why are these skills important to your audience?
  • Go ahead an create tasks for your course (in Step 2 of the "Course Creation" process).
  • Name the tasks with the skills you've identified. For instance, if the skill is "Draw a Project from a 3D Perspective" you might name your task exactly that!

Task Discussion

  • Melissa said:

    My audience will be K-12 Teachers.  They will be learning various technologies to be used in the classroom to enhance teaching and learning.  

    on April 28, 2014, 11:39 a.m.
  • v4lent1na said:

    The course is aimed at middle to high school students.

    on July 2, 2013, 3:40 p.m.
  • John Martin, aka EdVentures said:

    At present, my audience, comprised of educators or facilitators, is driven by the workshops I am presenting. As the participant base grows, I forsee the growth of Friend of a Friend (FoaF) and Google/search engine traffic as the brand becomes recognizable.

    I have a strong SocNet presence and share my work regularly there which accounts for those vectors as well.


    Define, dissect and define video games

    on May 30, 2013, 2:07 p.m.
  • CariJ said:

    I have identified that the audience for my course would be other P2PU peers, and/or, middle or high school students enrolled in a non-credit enrichment program. Participants will learn to communicate, create and evaluate their peers in a classroom/computer lab setting. Alternatively P2PU peers may interact with the course from their home computer. Skills necessary for photo editing are: perspective, organization, problem solving, cooperation and ability to use technology -technosavy.

    Click here for a list of skills needed to complete tasks.

    on March 1, 2013, 3:24 p.m.
  • Anonym said:

    I want to teach WEBGL

    the frist reason i want to do this , is just because i want to learn it more

    on June 24, 2012, 8:15 a.m.
  • Victoriann said:

    cheekyHi there!


    I would like my peers to understand how to find legitimate work from home opportunities.  I have investigated several companies and found some common denominators for what to look at when deciding whether to get involved or whether to walk away.  I would like to share this with my peers and have them do their own investigation of a company.  They  would come back to the group and share what they have uncovered. As the peer group shares their information, it would be added to a database of information that would then be made available to future classes, and so on. The ultimate goal would be to have a comprehensive list of peer investigated work from home opportunities that clearly shows which ones are worth pursuing and which to avoid and why.

    on June 19, 2012, 8:05 p.m.
  • Anonym said:

    I'd like to show how the Microsoft Kinect works at a fundemental level.

    on May 30, 2012, 5:02 p.m.

    Anonym said:

    and I'd like to show how bad is Microsft and I hate it soooo much (just kidding) ;)

    on June 24, 2012, 8:06 a.m. in reply to Anonym
  • dilys said:

    Computer science is a part of our life at Stanford( my alma matar) and beyond! And there's no denial that 3D Printing 3D graphical design skills will define the classroom of our kids and the future generations. Let's get them started early on, so when the printers are cheap enough, they will be ready!

    on May 21, 2012, 6:17 p.m.
  • seanm1 said:

    Sean here,


    I'd like users to understand how the GNU tools, the file heirarchy standard, an X11 server, a window manager, and the linux kernel, all combine to form a complete operating system. Once they understand the parts of the operating system they've built from scratch, it's my hope that they can apply this knowledge to other operating systems.

    on May 8, 2012, 11:35 a.m.
  • queerpedagogue said:

    I'd like participants in my challenge to engage in a process of self-reflection about their own identity and how what they study impacts their own identity.   As Susanne Luhmann stated in Queering/Querying Pedagoy (1998), "What does this information do to one's own sense of self? What does the knowledge ask me to reconsider about myself and the subject studied" (p. 150).    

    I'd like them to come to see knowledge as something created in the interaction between student and teacher, as opposed to more traditional conceptions where knowledge is inserted into student's heads (called the "banking model" by Paulo Freire) or the pederasty model where, as Jane Gallop (1982) suggested, "a greater man penetrates a lesser man with his knowledge" (Luhmann, p. 148).

    I'd then like participants to draw upon these experiences to create their own project where they implement their learning in their own practice as a teacher, in either a formal or informal context.

    on April 23, 2012, 5:11 p.m.

    Philipp said:

    Very interesting question -> How does what I learn shape how I am. At a very obvious level we all joke about the differences between engineers and lawyers. But I think there are really interesting differences that relate to identity and that shape how we conceptualize the world. 

    I often find that explaining a new idea to different people requires different ways of describing it. I find myself categorizing people sub-consciously and adjusting the way I present new information to them. 

    Underlying all of this are some interesting questions about our inability to ever fully explain something to someone else. I like the way Seymour Papert almost mocks himself in the introduction to constructionism because his own theory suggests that he can't actually describe it to someone, but that they must experience it for themselves. (I might be butchering Papert here)

    on May 1, 2012, 5:40 a.m. in reply to queerpedagogue
  • Christina Cantrill said:

    I would like participants in my challenge to understand:

    1. how-to make a resource for the National Writing Project’s Digital Is website ... (this is really a how-to step-by-step kind of process) ...
    2. which is related to their inquiries and practice around digital literacy, writing, teaching and learning (while this is conceptual and visioning process within the step-by-steps).
    on April 17, 2012, 2:15 p.m.
  • mpstenson said:

    I would like to challenge users to: 'Understand good photo composition through principles of design."

    on April 2, 2012, 2:14 p.m.

    AJC said:

    I am a photography amatuer and I would LOVE to take a challenge that helps me improve my framing. I can't wait to see your challenge's first draft.

    P.S. Don't forget to fill in your profile with a picture of yourself!

    on April 3, 2012, 1:53 p.m. in reply to mpstenson
  • Anonym said:

    The challenge I am considering is asking people to contemplate "Who is Jesus? And how does the answer to that question affect the way you live your life?"  Many churches promote "small groups" for the study of the bible and for encouraging people to discuss issues and "do life" together.  Can this type of rich learning and growth experience work online via P2PU?

    on March 29, 2012, 12:45 p.m.
  • Jonas Backelin said:

      In education the tools we use for learning are many times limited to outdated textbooks, static courses and classrooms available at set times in a specific location.  Our knowledge is merely seen as something we store and evaluate on merits or application in tests.  This challenge will give you the ability to envision a new future based on the use of Web Tools in a Networked Learning scenario.

      "We Think Education Should Change Technology (not the other way around)" [mission statement

      (This is the big idea... Network creation enables learners to continue to stay current in the face of rapidly developing knowledge and we increase our competence by adding specialized functionality to our network = Networked Learning)

    on March 27, 2012, 3:14 p.m.
  • Leah MacVie said:

    In my new challenge, I want my participants to develop a simple, go-to' healthy regimen.

    I know that P2PU challenges aren't necessarily about healthy topics, but the more sedentary our world gets, the more we have to be concerned with staying healthy and well. I am doing a lot of research and personal exploration to find the right balance and regimen.

    on March 19, 2012, 11:14 p.m.
  • Christopher Crawford said:

    I want my peers to be able to add value to the materiel already available by organizing it and providing a framework through their own writing. This can, and has, been applied in a variety of ways, from new methods of marketing to adding to the scholarship of a subject. 

    on March 11, 2012, 11:17 p.m.

    Chloe said:

    thats an interesting idea! not sure I fully grasp what the big picture is though? is it about curating information? if you had to explain your big idea in two words which ones would those be? 

    looking forward to seeing this challenge get implemented :)

    on March 14, 2012, 6:52 a.m. in reply to Christopher Crawford

    Christopher Crawford said:

    Hi Chloe, yes, it is about curating information- one of the challenge title ideas I have been kicking around in the Plastorm task is  "Curating Content: Aggregated, Curated, Commentated,"  and if were to use two words to describe it I would say Curate/Elaborate. Not just collecting links, but explaining why they are included. 

    on March 14, 2012, 7:22 a.m. in reply to Chloe

    Chloe said:

    A that makes sense > i really like that you are asking your peers to take on the role of web-curators essentially. Very interesting and looking forward to seeing your Challenge!

    on March 14, 2012, 7:33 a.m. in reply to Christopher Crawford
  • Dirk said:

    I want people to think about technology as a canvas rather than merely a tool. It is a medium that can be used to create tools. I guess that makes it a meta tool?

    on March 7, 2012, 2:16 p.m.

    Chloe said:

    Hey Dirk, I really like your idea of technology as a canvas. It would be nice to see that metaphor across your Challenge, for example you could ask your learners to take as an inspiration a photo/painting/imagery to create something with technology- maybe too meta? :)

    on March 14, 2012, 6:46 a.m. in reply to Dirk
  • Hocke said:

    Writing a novel is a lot of hard work and is something almost everyone can do. If they put the effort into it :-)

    on March 1, 2012, 8:16 a.m.