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Channel Your Vision

With your query in mind, learn about the Twitter API

This task is about getting familiar with the Twitter Application Programming Interface, or API. Load up the Twitter API docs

If you have never used an API before, never fear. You'll notice that there's a lot of information that you need to sift through!  An API call is like a way to execute a function call on someone else's computer, in this case a server hosted by a large company. Reading the API docs is basically your ticket to understanding what function calls are allowed, how you need to format them, and what information they will return. 
Browse through the different "resources." Click through to the full descriptions of different resource calls. You'll notice that some require authentication, which is a topic we are not covering in this challenge. But several of the available API calls do not require authentication, including search!
A very cool thing about restful APIs (hint) is that they make use of the same protocol that your browser uses to display web pages: HTTP. As a result, what we described as a "function call" above is just a regular old URL. The upshot is that if you construct your API call and paste it into your URL bar, it will display the results right there in your browser! What better way to take the API for a casual test run?
Try out the unauthenticated user_timeline API call. Start out with this basic construct for the API call:


If you click on this link you should a JSON-formatted response in your browser. (You may want to stop and marvel at how cool it is that this is literally just a bunch of plain old text that Twitter's servers just sent you, and that you can use this important plumbing to build fantastic and wonderful web applications of untold complexity). Try adding different arguments to the url, as outlined in the docs. That's not too hard, eh? 

Answer these questions as you go. 

  1. What are some of the fields returned in the user_timeline API call? What are some of the different data types (eg. string, date, integer...) 

  2. What happens when you try to submit an API call that is broken? 

  3. A "path style" API call looks like An argument-style query uses argument strings such as How are Twitter's queries constructed? Can these formats be combined? Why might you use one versus the other in different circumstances? (Note that these questions are the subject of endless discussions amongst web developers. There is some well-known wisdom here but not necessarily a "right" answer, so treat these questions as fodder for discussion and raising new questions-- and don't spend TOO much time on it).  

  4. You will often hear people describe the Twitter (and other) APIs as "rest-ful." What makes something a "restful" API?  

Once you're done with these, you should feel comfortable formatting query parameters, submitting queries in your browser, and visually parsing long ugly blurbs of JSON text. Hooray! On to the next task. 

Task Discussion

  • Matthew McKenna said:

    Sadly when I clicked on the above link so see the example:


    All that I was returned was an error. Which I'm used to when I try things myself but it's frustrating in courses.



    Currently trying to figure out how to use the new one, the documentation for which can be found at the link in the above error message..

    on Jan. 27, 2014, 1:42 p.m.
  • Ar said:

    1. What are some of the fields returned in the user_timeline API call? What are some of the different data types (eg. string, date, integer...) 

    A: I answer this from API 1.1 documentation, here they are:

    • favorited: a boolean
    • truncated: a boolean
    • created at: a date
    • text: a string

    2. What happens when you try to submit an API call that is broken? 

    A: twitter give me error message and code

    3. A "path style" API call looks like An argument-style query uses argument strings such as How are Twitter's queries constructed? Can these formats be combined? Why might you use one versus the other in different circumstances? (Note that these questions are the subject of endless discussions amongst web developers. 

    A: twitter seems to use the argument style query. I don't knkow which is better used between the two

    4. You will often hear people describe the Twitter (and other) APIs as "rest-ful." What makes something a "restful" API?

    A: from wikipedia "A RESTful web API (also called a RESTful web service) is a web API implemented using HTTP and REST principles. It is a collection of resources, with four defined aspects:"

    on Nov. 27, 2013, 9:37 a.m.

    jackson said:

    Hi, How did you do it? I'm very new to api.

    Do i need to go throught all the documentations in "" ?

    However when i tried anything like ""

    The response is "

    {"errors":[{"message":"Bad Authentication data","code":215}]}"
    So, am i going in the wrong direction?. Please help me get started.

    on June 26, 2014, 9:29 a.m. in reply to Ar
  • Richard said:

    Clicking the link gives an error message as Twitter API is now v1.1. How to proceed with this?


    {"errors": [{"message": "The Twitter REST API v1 is no longer active. Please migrate to API v1.1.", "code": 68}]

    on Aug. 16, 2013, 6:11 p.m.

    Lindsay said:

    I also ran into this error.....

    on Sept. 25, 2013, 9:50 p.m. in reply to Richard
  • Eenvincible said:


    I just put together an awesome blog post answering all the questions required by this challenge and I hope you guys check it out and let me what I think and remember to leave a link to yours if you have one! I am having so much fun!

    Thanks and see you around!

    on Dec. 31, 2012, 6:01 p.m.
  • govindreddy said:

    1.What are some of the fields returned in the user_timeline API call? What are some of the different data types (eg. string, date, integer...)
    collection of contributors,string,Array of strings,Boolean,int,objects
    2.What happens when you try to submit an API call that is broken?
    returns exception error with message with code number.
    3.A "path style" API call looks like An argument-style query uses argument strings such as How are Twitter's queries constructed? Can these formats be combined? Why might you use one versus the other in different circumstances? (Note that these questions are the subject of endless discussions amongst web developers. There is some well-known wisdom here but not necessarily a "right" answer, so treat these questions as fodder for discussion and raising new questions-- and don't spend TOO much time on it).
    Twitter's querries constructed  as argument-style querries.
    examples of querries constructions--
        ?q=Envato – Searches for tweets containing the string Envato
        ?q=#Envato – Searches for hashtags of Envato
        ?phrase=Envato+marketplace – Searches for tweets containing the phrase Envato marketplace
        ?q=from:NETTUTS – Returns all tweets from NETTUTS
        ?q=to:NETTUTS – Returns for all tweets to NETTUTS
    4.You will often hear people describe the Twitter (and other) APIs as "rest-ful." What makes something a "restful" API?  
    REST stands for Representational State Transfer It relies on a stateless, client-server, cacheable communications protocol --  the HTTP protocol is used.rather than using complex mechanisms such as CORBA, RPC or SOAP to connect between machines, simple HTTP is used to make calls between machines. The World Wide Web itself, based on HTTP, can be viewed as a REST-based architecture. RESTful applications use HTTP requests to post data (create and/or update), read data (e.g., make queries), and delete data. Thus, REST uses HTTP for all four CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) operations.
    from-Learn REST: A Tutorial

    on Dec. 4, 2012, 11:57 p.m.
  • Ollie said:


    What are some of the fields returned in the user_timeline API call? What are some of the different data types (eg. string, date, integer...) 
    There's a lot of stuff! Individual tweet ID, if there's geolocation, if it's an @reply and to whom, the user, their number fo followers, location, profile background image...
    What happens when you try to submit an API call that is broken? 
    A JSON error object - message (sorry, that page does not exist), and code (34).
    A "path style" API call looks like An argument-style query uses argument strings such as How are Twitter's queries constructed? Can these formats be combined? Why might you use one versus the other in different circumstances? (Note that these questions are the subject of endless discussions amongst web developers. There is some well-known wisdom here but not necessarily a "right" answer, so treat these questions as fodder for discussion and raising new questions-- and don't spend TOO much time on it).
    Twitter seems to use a combination of the two since there's a path leading to specifically API functions and it then uses arguments to return the appropriate thing.
    Not so sure why you'd pick one over the other in different circumstances...
    You will often hear people describe the Twitter (and other) APIs as "rest-ful." What makes something a "restful" API?  
    So a RESTful API is one that conforms to the REST constraints ( and is based on a setup where the client sends a request to a server and the server processes and returns the appropriate response.
    on Nov. 23, 2012, 7:04 p.m.

    Eenvincible said:

    Hey thanks for the awesome answers you gave!!

    Please check out my blog post on the same and let us compare our progress!

    Thanks and hope to see you around!

    on Dec. 31, 2012, 6:03 p.m. in reply to Ollie
  • juancarloscruzd said:


    1. What are some of the fields returned in the user_timeline API call? What are some of the different data types (eg. string, date, integer...) 

      • The fields returned by the query...are the tweets of the username, i've tested with my username...and it's amazing!
        The query returns all the information to build a good application...sometimes the information is repeated (usrename information)

    2. What happens when you try to submit an API call that is broken? 

      • The query return json...with two is an error message and other is the status of the query. 

    3. A "path style" API call looks like An argument-style query uses argument strings such as How are Twitter's queries constructed? Can these formats be combined? Why might you use one versus the other in different circumstances? (Note that these questions are the subject of endless discussions amongst web developers. There is some well-known wisdom here but not necessarily a "right" answer, so treat these questions as fodder for discussion and raising new questions-- and don't spend TOO much time on it).

      • The first used for REST applications, each elemente has his own path...Twitter combined the two path-style...because the "Entity" is not the user, is the TIMELINE....this entity recieves a parameter (username)
    1. You will often hear people describe the Twitter (and other) APIs as "rest-ful." What makes something a "restful" API?  

      • The restful API is other way to delegate "functions" to the developers,,in this case there are note functions, are Entities that has atributes.

    on Aug. 26, 2012, 9:45 p.m.

    Eenvincible said:

    Nice work here mate! Are you still working on this challenge or you are already done? Do you have a blog? please share a link of it on my blog and let us connect!

    Thank you!

    on Dec. 31, 2012, 6:04 p.m. in reply to juancarloscruzd
  • Alvaro said:

    I tried this call to get the last tweet from efenoticias: 

    1. It returns an array of id:value pairs that makes up the information of the tweet. JSON only admits strings as id's and strings, numbers, arrays, booleans and null as valueI found a really nice explanation about diferences between Javascript Object Notation (JSON) and JavaScript Object Literal that may help. (Sorry, the web is in spanish, but you may also know google translator ;))

    2. I get this error message: {"errors":[{"message":"Sorry, that page does not exist","code":34}]}

    3. I tried & and ; to separate the  and get the same result.

    4. This web explain it with a good sense of humour:

    on Aug. 21, 2012, 5:01 p.m.
  • José Santos said:

    1.I made timeline api call but what i got in return was a json object which was unreadable sins it was optimizes for transferring speed.
    Sins I was anable to read ist clearly I used the  JSON Formatter & Validator from to make the data object von the twitter api call more readeble.
    The result was wary readable, I got a well formatted json object.
    The data that I got back was quite extensive, I even use my twitter name jonocosa to get some personal data.
    To answer the question the data type I found were data objects, the also a lot of string and also some numbers.

    2.I got an erro messege.
    This one:
    {"errors":[{"message":"Sorry, that page does not exist","code":34}]}

    4.Basically what make a restful api is the use of more then just the get and post methods for data transferring.

    on Aug. 11, 2012, 5:13 p.m.
  • misifus_mankhado said:


    Since I'm not all familiar with all this stuff I just hit plain old Ctrl+V on the Url bar to se what happens.

    I've just got these so far.

    1. What are some of the fields returned in the user_timeline API call? What are some of the different data types (eg. string, date, integer...) 
      Some of the fields would be my own tweets' text listed after ,"text":" and it lists the date after ,"created_at":" . It has also his own strings I'm not at all familiar, such as "In_response_to": and the like.

    2. What happens when you try to submit an API call that is broken? 

      		This comes out:
      {"errors":[{"message":"Sorry, that page does not exist","code":34}]}
    on July 16, 2012, 2:21 a.m.

    Jessy Kate Schingler said:

    nice! i believe "In_response_to" is a unique identifier for the tweet that someone is replying to, if/when the tweet is a reply. so probably  that field would be empty if the tweet is not a reply! 

    on July 16, 2012, 4:58 a.m. in reply to misifus_mankhado
  • Alex said:

    I started learning Python recently, first by taking a Udacity course, then by doing lots of reading online and experimenting on my computer. I decided to take this query, for the search term "curation", because curation is something I've been monitoring for many years, in my content analysis practise.

    Using the urllib2 and json modules in Python, I was able to play around a little with this query. It only showed about 15 or so latest results, so I added some parameters to get 100, which is the maximum. This time, though, I wanted to try the ATOM format:

    With the minidom module in Python, I was able to manipulate this document. With urllib2, urls are a brease in Python. You just use the .urlopen function and then the .read() function. You can assign the document to a variable and then manipulate it.

    I'm still a beginner, so I didn't do anything crazy with the queries, but still I had a lot of fun. :)

    on May 22, 2012, 5:37 p.m.

    Eenvincible said:

    I was on Udacity too - the first group of students! I love it there. Nice to meet you.

    Please check out my blog at:

    Thanks and please stop by

    on Dec. 31, 2012, 5:21 p.m. in reply to Alex
  • Jessica Ledbetter said:

    I went with the search api call and used Chrome dev tools to debug. I used jQuery to call and spit them out on a page. Neat!

    on April 19, 2012, 3:03 p.m.

    Saurav Foss said:

    Cool, how'd you do that ?


    on Oct. 1, 2012, 7:02 a.m. in reply to Jessica Ledbetter
  • lunchtime said:

    I've used Flash Builder for a Mobile App that pages the list of people your account is following, then gives you an option to remove follower en bulk

    on April 18, 2012, 9:40 p.m.
  • xzorzist said:

    I used php to hold the connection to my user name and display my last tweet, along with the date and time.

    on April 18, 2012, 3:54 a.m.
  • rodrigo said:


    I use my own twitter username and  is all there in a simple plain text :)

    1) Tweets, retweets, user css, times and dates
    Sring date, string text, user verified
    2) {"error":"This method requires authentication.","request":"\/1\/statuses\/user_timeline.json?screenname=djroxx"}
    4) REST  Clients initiate requests to servers; servers process requests and return appropriate responses.
    on April 8, 2012, 8:55 p.m.
  • Anonym said:

    i not really sure about the it but here what i thought . it show how the it link from verified the user id then load the background image 

    on April 3, 2012, 9:53 a.m.
  • Newman5 said:

    Hey Gang,

    I recorded my general comments.  Kinda long at 4:45 but, it was fun for me to record.





    on April 1, 2012, 4:44 p.m.

    Jessy Kate Schingler said:

    hey newman, 

    sorry for the delay in responding to this. very awesome screencast!! what software are you using?

    to respond to a couple of your comments in the video: i would consider the url "data type" to be a string, although in terms of validation, it could be validated to the more speciifc string format of a URL.  


    good coverage of the different ways to break the url. 
    re SOAP and REST - SOAP is a huge and very detailed, complicated standard, whereas generally RESTful APIs use HTTP and query arguments (GET)/ or data (POST). a SOAP API requires the user to build large, somewhat unweildy custom XML objects to submit to the server, which is more work for the user instead of just piggybacking on top of an http module in whatever language you are using. the SOAP standard is quite powerful, but sacrifices the simplicity of REST. (that is my somewhat biased perspective). 
    thanks for the comment... great stuff :)
    on April 3, 2012, 8:50 p.m. in reply to Newman5
  • Philipp said:

    I'm struggling with the error messages. I added a count parameter to the call (to limite the number of results returned and get the following error:


    "error":"Rate limit exceeded. Clients may not make more than 150 requests per hour.","request":"\/1\/statuses\/user_timeline.json?screen_name=sharingnicely&count=10"


    I definitely have not made more than 150 requests during the last hour. This is the browser URL I requested:

    On the other hand, I might have come up with an idea for a project. Someone has registered a screen name that I would like to use. The person has not tweeted once and is clearly just name sqatting. I read that twitter releases inactive accounts occasionaly. I want to write a script that regularly (once a day or a couple times a day) checks if the account still exists and produce some kind of output if it has been deleted ... and I can go ahead and register it. 

    The way I understand REST (representational state transfer, wikipedia entry) it is meant allow transactions between different servers (like a web server), by different clients (like a web browser) with minimum coordination overhead. Each call from a client to the server assumes there has never been a call before and there is no stored data that describes the relationship between client and server. Is that correct?

    on March 16, 2012, 2:34 p.m.

    Jessy Kate Schingler said:

    cool, that's a great idea for a script, and i think you could do it from what you learn here.... with a different API call of course. (i have a feeling you might have already looked into it?)

    as for the error, i've run into that before when i was on a wireless router or behind a NAT - basically if you're on a big network sharing an external IP address, twitter might not be able to differentiate you from others on the network making API calls. i just tried your API call and it worked perfectly. maybe try it again? :)

    on March 18, 2012, 4:07 a.m. in reply to Philipp

    Jessy Kate Schingler said:

    i like your API description too. i was actually trying to get at what differentiates RESTful APIs from other types of APIs (like SOAP or any kind of interface), but i realized from your answer that a) the conceptual definition of an API is equally (if not more) interesting to explore, and b) my intention is not at all obvious from the question :). 

    on March 18, 2012, 4:10 a.m. in reply to Philipp

    Newman5 said:

    Hey Philip,

    You said: Each call from a client to the server assumes there has never been a call before and there is no stored data that describes the relationship between client and server. Is that correct?

    I say, I think you are right!  I'm thinking this 'no stored data' is the 'stateless contraint' of the REST ... framework? structure? Architecture.  REST is a software architecture using HTTP... I'm glad there are no mulitple choice tests on the P2PU.

    Here is the Stateless Contraint verbage from Wikipedia:

    The client–server communication is further constrained by no client context being stored on the server between requests.



    on April 1, 2012, 4:42 p.m. in reply to Philipp

    Eenvincible said:

    Your idea is pretty neat. It can be a lot of fun! I would like to know where you have reached with it so, please stop by my blog and let us connect. We could collaborate on cool apps if you are interested.

    Thanks again and see you soon!

    on Dec. 31, 2012, 6:08 p.m. in reply to Philipp