Publish and promote!
Turn on your course, get the word out, get started.
Your tasks:
- Post the URL of your live P2PU course.
- Promote your course.
- Apply for a Challenge Creator Badge.
Step 1: Flip the switch!
On the front page of your course, click "Edit Study Group" or "Edit Course."

Step 2: Own the blogosphere.
We're here to help you get the word out about your ridiculously sweet course. A few ways to get started with promotion:
Contact the community list. We have a robust community Google group at Drop us a line and we'll spread the word!
- Featured course. Contact our Community Manager, Bekka Kahn for the opportunity to be the featured course on the site.
- Write a blog post. You can post to your own blog, or let Bekka know and we'll post it on ours!
- Google AdWords. If you're interested in running an ad campaign, think about a few potential ads and a bunch of keywords. You can contact and we'll go from there.