Ryan Guy said:
It seems like the course creation menus have changed from what is listed here.
This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at community.p2pu.org if that is a problem.
If you're unsure about a course topic, a few suggestions.
What is your area of expertise or interest? Look at your blog, bookshelf, or browser history to for ideas.
Is there something your friends want to learn how to do together? From experience at P2PU, we've seen some stellar courses put together by teams of peers.
Cruise on over to "Create a Course."
Enter a title for your course--short, sweet, and catchy.
Upload a cover photo--this is important! It's the public face of your course, and people like to click on pictures :) Follow the requirements listed (pixels, file type, etc) and you'll be golden. Cover photos seem to like images more than text, just an FYI.
It seems like the course creation menus have changed from what is listed here.
Here's the draft for my course on Storytelling: https://p2pu.org/en/groups/lets-learn-storytelling/
Though I don't know if I did everything right. This is a first for me. I just threw in some ideas and whipped them up together.
Here is the start to my shell for the course GameON! Level 1 - Intro to Video Game Design & Development: https://p2pu.org/en/courses/473/
I am working on creating a digital storytelling course primarily designed for middle school students, but learners of all ages should benefit from this project. Here is what I have so far!
Hi Everyone,
I'm relatively new to P2PU but have been really interested in the future of learning lately and expanding the way people work together. I work in a very closed environment, it's just the nature of where I work, but have begun bringing in a more open mindset to everything I can. It is not easy getting people who are so used to restricting everything to approach things in a more open and collaborative way and that is what I hope this course will teach. I have had success (slow, agnonizing success) bringing open idealogy into a restrictive work place and I want to help others do the same. I think the difficulty in creating this course is it would a closed environment to test methods/ideas in therefore, I do not know how much practical, hands on work can be done in it. At the very least I hope it gets people talking about how to bring open practices into closed places, even if those places remain closed to the outside world.
Hi again,
I decided to create a new course on using LESS. I did a quick search on it first and only found another draft course in Portuguese(I think). Since I don't know Portugueseand I'm sure many other people don't as well , I decided to start one in English!
Also, the course I originally started to make isn't a typical course and I'm not sure exactly how I wanted to structure it yet. Therefore, I thought I should spread my love of efficiency with one of my favorite tools. This will be a basic intro to LESS geared more towards new web developers.
Hello Everyone
My name is John Miller. I have worked in K12 for a decade, always seeking innovation of the learning experience and environment.
I am also an Agile Coach and Trainer, an iterative and highly collaboative approach to designing products, mostly used in software teams.
I have helped teachers use Agile to do some amazing things, but, most of all, was the effect when students used Agile for learning and projects. I want to develop a course that can help teachers implement Agile in the classroom, but in the language of educations. Teachers visiting the classroms, the teachers duing Agile, students, and Principals all have stated it is nothing like they have ever seen, that it is a gamechanger in education, and that is what a classroom should look like.
John Miller
Hello all! Here's a link to the very primitive beginnings of my first course, Intro to Game Design: https://p2pu.org/en/groups/intro-to-game-design/
I've been trying to work my way through the Game Design Concepts blog/MOOC that Ian Schreiber put on three years ago, and I've caught myself thinking more than once how much I'd like to see it as a P2PU course. Since the whole course is licensed under Creative Commons, I figured that I might as well take a stab at it myself!
Hi Spencer
This is a great idea, and a brilliant reworking of an open education resource - repurposing the open web is just our cup of tea.
If you need any help working on the design of the course, just give us a shout. Likewise, if you'd like what you have build to be reviewed by the community, just let us know, and we'll be happy to spread the word and help you get the feedback you need.
Hello everyone. I'm a software engineer at Cengage Learning. I work on our on-line library products (Gale's Virtual Reference Library, Academic OneFile, Literature Resource Center, and others).
I've been creating web applications using J2EE since Java 1.1. Though we deploy our applications to an in-house data center, I'm interested in the new wave of creating low cost web apps deployed to the cloud. I'm learning the Play Framework. I will be creating a P2PU challenge for others who want to get started with cloud computing using the Play Framework.
I also hope the community will create complimentary courses and challenges on P2PU.
hello everyone.
my name is Ali Aghasizadeh (AliGH)
my dear teacher introduced this site to me about 20 minutes ago (alimd)
I want to be a great developing teacher and I think this is a good way to start :)
wish luck for everyone
Hi I'm Myron,
I'm investigating the use of P2PU as a means to link Diabetics, their loved ones & Care Givers in a ongoing learning and community setting, with rewards (etc, badges) for their acquired & demonstrated understanding.
And I hope the social network portion will further advance the continuing education.
somebody please wave & send me a badge. Thnx.
Hi, I'm Nathan. I help provide tech education for librarians. Right now, lots of libraries (public, school/K12, academic/university) are interested in engaging with the maker movement. Some are interested in creating maker spaces within their libraries. Others are looking for access to maker equipment for individual/patron or group/class projects. Still others are interested in the idea but don't know how they might work with makers or maker spaces.
We've partnered with a local maker space to help spearhead this collaboration, which gives us access to their space, tools, and some of their members. Several issues have already come up, like travelling to a non-library space (vans, insurance, etc.). Finding starter projects is challenging, let alone a linked set of projects. And finding people to teach/lead the projects (librarians? maker members?) is proving challenging.
One way forward would be to train some librarians the skills needed to teach/lead a couple projects. If we can offer a clear way to prepare instructors, it will be easier for libraries to offer at least one project to their patrons. We can then share the experiences that early graduates (a.k.a. badge holders) have in working on projects to improve the training and raise interest in these collaborations as a whole.
I should say too that I'm interested in maker spaces in a very broad sense. I tend to think of maker spaces in terms of electronics, robotics, 3D printing, laser cutting, and the like. But I'm also very interested in woodworking, textiles/sewing, pottery, and other hand-work. So finding enough ideas and projects isn't difficult. It's matching them with interested people who will learn the required knowledge and skills--and forming those requirements--that could drown us with too broad a scope. But we're up for a challenge.
Welcome Nathan. It sounds like you're working through some important challenges. I think a course that's about maker culture for librarians is fascinating--a few ideas:
I'm happy to help with course design--you can post here, or drop me a line at vanessa@p2pu.org.
Cheers, VMG
I have developed 2 Makespaces in Middle Schools.
I have combined it with students using Agile Project Management, which is an empowering and highly collaborative framework for developing projects, that is simple, which the students love.
I have some ideas on this, especially as it comes to "curriculum".
Let me know.
John Miller
Hi, I'm Chris and work in mobile and education - I want to learn more about informal learning, badges, and rewards!
My name is Molly. I'm a doctoral student studying higher ed policy, and I'm particularly interested in information policy as it relates to education. I just had a lot of fun participating in the School of Data sprint yesterday, where I helped edit one challenge and started creating another one. I'll also be headed to Berlin this summer to work on the School of Open. I'm interested in open content of all kinds, in particular open access to scholarship and open educational resources. I'd like to learn more about the challenge model, and for this challenge I'll probably do something involving finding, using, or creating open content.
Open educational resources is something I'm interested in, too. I'm hoping to find/share frameworks for those resources. Lots of people will want to create educational resources for different classes and purposes. If the resources have common touchpoints (questions asked or answered), they'll probably be easier to understand and easier to use as a basis to create more resources. So, yes, interested to see what you create and discover.
I have no idea how to use any CAD software or Autodesk any professional 3D modeling software, yet I have just made my first creation a reality at the MakerFaire on Saturday. That's it. I want to start a challenge get people started with 3D Printing as fast as possible from design to finish! Let me know if you are interested in collaborating!
This seems awesome. One of the crucial parts of your challenge is that if you suggest using propriety software for modelling make sure to offer a free/open alternative.
I'd be happy to give feedback on your tasks. Can't wait to see what you come up with!
I'm Sean. I'm a FOSS hobbyist who likes operating systems and hardware drivers. Since a lot of the work has already been done for me and it's got a free license (here, http://cross-lfs.org/files/BOOK/1.2.0/view/x86/appendices/license.html , I've just got to get permission to use the name "Linux From Scratch"), I've decided to make a walk-through of the CLFS book my first class.
I'm hoping this experience gets my feet wet and all the kinks worked out so that I can put together great classes and challenges in the future.
Hi, I'm James. I designed a course for P2PU on Queer Pedagogy, but unfortunately after recruiting a decent number of students for the course, had trouble getting everyone to sychronize schedules and the course never got started. I would like to redesign the course as a challenge so that students can work through it on their own pace, and I've been reading up on the open badges concept and really digging the concept of democratizing certification of skills and knowledge, so that anyone can be a certifier without having to have deep pockets and large institutional backing.. Who knows, maybe i could even create the first ever certification program in Queer Pedagogy :-)
Hello. My name is Christina and I work for the National Writing Project, a professional network of educators interested in literacy learning anchored at colleges and universities and serving teachers across disciplines and at all levels, early childhood through university.
Last month I co-facilitated a P2PU study group with some colleagues at the School of Ed called Writing and Inquiry in the Digital Age. This study group was created to be three weeks long and support participants in exploring issues of digital literacies and writing through the NWP Digital Is website, share or develop their own inquiries in relation to this work, and then publish and/or curate content for others related their inquiry.
Building from what we learned in that study group as well as others, I am here to check out the use of challenges and think about how we could use them to support more of what we were playing with in the study group -- ie. surfacing inquiries around digital literacies and going public with research and practice.
Excited to learn more abou tthis from and with you all!
Hi Christina!
I loved following Writing and Inquiry in the Digital Age and can't wait to see what you come up with for a challenge. So many of our community members have expressed interest in writing groups, especially for two distinct styles - creative non-fiction and first novels. You will find strong pools of interest from all over the community!
Hi Alison.
Thanks for your feedback here. I posted the goals that I am thinking about for this challenge in the next task and there you'll see that it might be less about writing in a general way, and more about inquiry related to teaching of writing and literacy learning (I was imagining this as part of the school of Education). ... I think the idea of a challenge that would support a wider interest in writing groups is a really great idea though! Maybe one of my colleagues would want to put that together, especially if you think there is such interest here in P2PU. That could be a lot of fun.
In terms of my challenge though I am also now wondering if it might help me clarify the focus by changing the title a bit. Curious to get your feedback on that as I go and try to describe this Challenge that I am currently envisioning.
Hi Christina,
I'm working on designing my own challenge around queer pedagogy. If there's any way I can help out with what you're working on, let me know :) I've taken some classes on Freireian approaches and on the somewhat more boring special education literacy intervention approaches and would probably have some useful ideas to contribute.
Hi, my name is Bob. I'm coming from Mozilla Taiwan, trying to figuar out how P2PU work, and see how I can help spread the words in Taiwan. I know something about web technolegy and community engagement, so maybe I will open a challenge about these area. Nice to meet you all here. :)