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The power of the link.

Unleash the energy of a connected URL.


Linking is a powerful gesture. And there are several ways to use links in a blog post. Some ways links are used (certainly not limited to this list):

  • As evidence for your point 
  • A recommending for that post
  • An attribution for someone else's idea
  • A way to engage the original author

Usually they are some combination of the above. Where you place links can be important.  However, links can also be distracting, so you'll need to make a decision about how much you link.


Draft a new blog post (without links). As a second step, go back and revise it to include several links to the information you reference.


Post that URL to this P2PU task along with your answers to the following questions.

  • How are the non-linked and linked versions of your post different?
  • What do you let the link say for you?
  • What message does linking send to the reader?

Task Discussion

  • E Browning said:

    I don't always find links distracting. I agree with my peers' comments that time spent in academia encourages me to cite my sources. Reading a post with no reference to anything outside itself seems like a rant. Or it might be confusing because you may not know what the author is responding to/need more information. Linking tells the reader that the author is engaged with their topic and lends to credibility. 

    For me, letting links speak is the most difficult part of writing a blog post! Probably because I hate reading other bloggers' posts and having to follow links to figure out what they are talking about! I tend to link to something I specific refer to or respond it, like another blog post. I find it difficult to link when I want to explain a term or concept that I think is essential for understanding my post. 

    on Jan. 16, 2014, 8:10 p.m.
  • Anonym said:

    I like the linked version better because it's more informational. Obviously, a non-linked document is just bland and doesnt engage the reader. Linking shows the reader that you have backed up your information and can be looked as a reliable blogger.
    on July 5, 2013, 4:43 p.m.
  • v4lent1na said:

    Here's the link to the post: The Power of the Link.

    Version 1 (without links) does a poor service to the reader, who has to google search the quoted sources (feedly, digg, aol reader, etc.) to discover what they are if he doesn't already know what I'm talking about (alternatives to GReader, for instance).

    Version 2 (with links) provides the reader with a direct link to the sources so he can go and see for itself what I'm talking about. I think version 2 is better because it has more informative power.

    on June 25, 2013, 1:24 p.m.
  • Jessica said:


    When having the links embedded into the post it allows the reader to read further information on the topic. This can be to further enforce an arguement but it also can lead them away from your post. The non-linked article can require lengthy explainations to points in the post and loss the attention of the reader. 

    The link says that you have done extensive research on the subject you are posting about. It also sends the reader the message that you willing to interact and promote other postings.

    on June 11, 2013, 4:13 p.m.
  • Paul said:

    The UK Government has a construction strategy, which sets out requirements for public sector construction.  The strategy is authored by the Cabinet Office.

    I feel that adding hyperlinks offers the work more depth.  It is also a great tool to show where arguments have come from.  I just worry the links may not work when someone else comes to use them.

    on Jan. 28, 2013, 8:28 a.m.
  • Afei said:

    I think links is guide the audiences to something alse existed.

    on Dec. 27, 2012, 8:04 a.m.
  • Exceed Poetry said:

    Parrdon me, I am inexperrienced. I just started my blog yesterday and don't even have the slightest idea on how to post a link.

    on Oct. 31, 2012, 7:03 a.m.
  • SirisAnkh said:


    • How are the non-linked and linked versions of your post different?

    I usually provide links inside my posts as I mention something. It is distracting because it'll show up as I'm writing but some words or phrases are blue. That makes the links stand out when otherwise it'd be wiser to post at the end of my post. I find that I prefer posting the links inside the words instead of having a laundry list of links at the bottom of my post.

    • What do you let the link say for you?

    I let my links say what exactly they are instead of saying click here. For example: I've done a recent blog post about what I thought of Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance thus far. I really hate when someone writes click here for this! I think it's poor writing.

    • What message does linking send to the reader?

    When linking in my posts, it's usually done as 'more information here' and up to my reader to click it or not. Most of my readers tend to ignore the links because they know what it is when reading the link itself. They usually have already seen it and I'm just referring back to it for anyone who hasn't read or seen what I'm writing about. They see it more as a reference instead of something new.

    on Aug. 30, 2012, 11:59 a.m.
  • Tobias Stapf said:


    How are the non-linked and linked versions of your post different? 

    My non-linked articles are likely to be general thought pieces rather than about a particular topic. I guess that's what academic education does for you - I tend to think the more references the better even though that's definitely not true. 

    What message does linking send to the reader?


    Link type a) reference to illustrational material that I couldn't put in the blog directly - that just says "Look here - there might be interesting stuff to look at!"

    Link type b) reference to another article/website related to my writing - that says look here, I'm not making this up or this person supports what I'm saying and she/he's smart so I must be too laugh

    With regards to type b links I think there can definitely be too many. In the same way as there can be too many foot or endnotes in papers or books. Just because an author references or quotes lots of other people doesn't make his/her argument necessarily better or right. In fact I have found it to be a skillful atrition and confusion technique employed by authors trying to convince their reader of a particular point - they bombard the reader with so many references that he can't possible follow them up anyway so that he gives up, accepts the argument and reads on. It's definitely a danger with blogs too.  

    on Aug. 12, 2012, 5:09 p.m.
  • Coho said:

    Here's the completed post on making sense of differences of journalistic standards between what I'm used to and domestic Chinese media.

    Without links, it's on the long side for one of my posts. Links serve to highlight the text by pointing out a clause worthy of going to another medium.

    In this post all three links point to literature. One is an example of the object, then another American perspective on the topic, and finally a related product for readers who read that far. I found it so my readers don't have to search.

    on July 11, 2012, 4:54 p.m.
  • Josemon Maliakal said:

    Links play an important role in blogs.. most of the times bloggers can't explain whole the things in their posts, so they add links to that article so that who ever reads it get additional information from which the blogger made a reffernce. The links says to the reader that there is  extra knowledge lyning beneath, about the linked word.

    my work is here

    on July 9, 2012, 12:53 a.m.
  • chinnan said:

    Sorry! My blog post.

    on July 6, 2012, 2:23 a.m.
  • chinnan said:

    Linking is very important. Content gets its clarity with its actual refering points. The blog post in my blog is strongly refering few sites. Without links, I push my reader to chaos. I prefer links within contents and they are more like end notes or foot notes in web publishing.

    on July 6, 2012, 2:22 a.m.