What's my license?

Creative Commons has created an automated License Chooser, to help people pick the license that is right for them. Go to the Chooser. You’ll be asked two simple questions:

  1. Will you allow modifications of your work?
  2. Will you allow commercial uses your work?

Answer these questions, and the chooser will tell you which license meets your needs.

In addition, the Chooser asks you to give some basic information so that users of your work can correctly attribute the work to you.

If you want more information, take a look at these additional resources to help you choose your license: - CC Australia's licensing flowchart (pdf); - Take a look at this other P2PU course, "Get CC Savvy", task 3; - Read about each of the licenses at the Creative Commons website.

You can also check Creative Commons' FAQ or ask the community which one they recommend through one of the mailing lists.

Task: Go to the license chooser and answer the questions. Change your answer, and see how the license selected in the top right hand box changes. Choose a particular work (it can be real or imaginary) and select a license for it. Put the relevant information into the bottom left hand of the Chooser to identify you as the author etc.

Write a short piece (3-5 sentences) about your experience with the License Chooser in the comments space below.


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