Put it out there!

Now that you've answered the questions and filled in the appropriate fields at the License Chooser, notice there's an html code in the lower right corner, with the title "Have a web page?". That's what you'll use to mark your work as licensed under Creative Commons.

HTML codes are read by web browsers (such as Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer etc.). They contain raw information which software translate into images, hyperlinks, text and everything you want to put on your web page. In order to allow readability of your license's html code, you'll need to paste it into the proper section of your web page editor.

For example, if you're going to publish a photo under a CC BY license on your wordpress.com blog, you'll want to paste the html code into the following section of the post/page editor:

The red arrow indicates the html area in wordpress. This may vary from service to service.

The red arrow indicates the html area in wordpress. This may vary from service to service.

If you don't want to have to deal with HTML, you can simply use an existing content-sharing platform which already supports Creative Commons license options. For a list of them by media type, see "Publish", on the Creative Commons Wiki. Some examples of these platforms are Soundcloud for music, Vimeo for video, and Flickr for photos.

The proper indication of authorship and attribution is fundamental for the validity of Creative Commons Licenses: users must be able to tell who is licensing the work. If you have doubts about how to indicate that you are the copyright owner, or would just like more guidance, see "Best Practices for Marking Content with CC Licenses", at the CC wiki. Also, these videos (here and here) can give you a pretty good idea of how the licenses may be applied.

CC licenses are meant to simplify sharing. By following these simple steps, you will get the hang of sharing and discover a great community of creators, educators, and others contributing to "the commons" along the way. Participate, remix, share -- it's easy!

Task: Put a link to the work you have just CC licensed in the comments space below. If your work was imaginary, or you don’t have a web page to publish it on, just copy and paste the final HTML code you get from the License Chooser. Look at a past student’s contribution and give them feedback by replying to their comment.


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