Week 4: Remix and attribute - April 8

Google hangout available on YouTube.

Topics for discussion at virtual meetup

  1. Discuss challenges that came up while searching. Were you able to find resources with the reuse rights you needed?
  2. Go over best practices when attributing CC-licensed materials.
  3. Discuss what can be remixed with what.

Your mission for the week:

(due Sunday, April 14)

  • Complete Tasks 1-3 of Teach Someone Something with Open Content, part two.
  • Post your resulting remix from these tasks, or a portion of it, as a draft on the cc4k12 blog. Don't forget the attributions.
  • Bonus: Complete a simple remix activity with your students! See "Remix activities" below for classroom ideas.

Building on the Past from Creative Commons on Vimeo.

You can also show them this video and run through the discussion questions in CC New Zealand's Mix & Mash lesson plan.

Additional resources to understand attribution:

Additional resources to understand remix:

Remix activities:

  • How to Remix on p. 8 of "Free to mix" guide by CC New Zealand
  • Understanding remix classroom ideas on p. 8;
  • Creative remix classroom ideas on p. 23; or
  • Photo remix classroom ideas on p. 30 of the original "Free to mix" guide by National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa
  • Michigan Makers' lesson on Photo-Manipulation (last lesson on the page). Read their blog post about the activity for more info. Some discussion questions to lead them into the activity might be: How do you create content? Where do you put the content you create? Who has the rights to use it? How do you know who has these rights? Why do people needs these rights?
  • Open Webville editing activities for kids - Students learn how to use open images, songs, and videos by editing html directly through Mozilla Thimble


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