Schedule & guests
Hey, I'm Billy.
I was the lead organizer of the initial course sprint/hackathon that built this course, and I'm your guide. Welcome.
I work at Creative Commons (CC), primarily on education and community-related projects. I interned with CC from last October to April, and spent most of that time teaching myself about Open Science. After a while I became intrigued by the topic, and thought it would be cool to share what I've figured out with others, and maybe bring in the expertise of some cool Open Science people, too.
Before CC, I wasn't a scientist. I wouldn't even necessarily call myself a teacher, but I did get my instructional design chops at the DCDC. My role in this course is that of a peer, just like you. I've invited guests from various parts of Open Science to come share a little about themselves in some synchronous class sessions, and will be hosting them on brief panel talks centered around each module. Some of the best ideas come from simple, spontaneous discussions, and this will be a chance for some of that magic to happen for newcomers to Open Science. I'm kind of excited to be a part of it :)
I can be found trying to make sense of Twitter, or on my blog. See you in class!
Facilitation Support
Michelle is an Associate Professor of writing studies at Auburn University. She was one of the remote participants that helped craft this course during the sprint, and will be helping things run smoothly behind the scenes during this run-through of the course. Her research interests include science communication, digital writing, and writing program administration. She independently volunteered to help out with this facilitated run-through, and we're glad to have her!
Class Session Schedule
Session 1 - Course Introduction + Open Access
Tuesday August 6th, 2013 (11:00AM-12:00PM PDT)
Module under discussion: Open Access
Class/panel session link: Google Hangout (Recorded 8/6/13, dur:1hr12m)
Session Notes: OpenScienceIntro_OpenAccess (Etherpad)
Guest Speakers
William Gunn - Head of Academic Outreach, Mendeley
Brian Glanz - Founder, Open Science Federation
Liz Flavall - Publications Manager, PLOS Currents
Michelle Brook - Community Coordinator, LinkedUpProject / OKFN
Module badge 
Session 2 - Open Data in Science
Tuesday August 13th, 2013 (11:00AM-12:00PM PDT)
Module under discussion: Open Data
Class/panel session link: Google Hangout (Recorded 8/13/13, dur:58m)
Session Notes: OpenScienceIntro_OpenData (Etherpad)
Guest Speakers
Wouter van den Bos - Neuroscientist, Stanford University / Max Planck Institute
Ross Mounce - PhD Student & Community Coordinator, University of Bath / OKFN
Heather Piwowar - Co-founder & Researcher, ImpactStory / University of British Columbia
Kaitlin Thaney - Director, Mozilla Science Lab
Module badge 
Session 3 - Open Research / Open Notebook Science
Tuesday August 20th, 2013 (11:00AM-12:00PM PDT)
Module under discussion: Open Research
Class/panel session link: Google Hangout (recorded 8/20/13, dur:57m)
Session Notes: OpenScienceIntro_OpenResearch (Etherpad)
Guest Speakers
Celya Gruson-Daniel - Co-founder, HackYourPhD
Anthony Salvagno - Chief Creative Officer, SciFund
Erin McKiernan - Neuroscience Researcher & Teacher
Melissa Lewis - Project Manager, Center for Open Science
Module badge 
Session 4 - Course Conclusion / Peer Reviews + Badges!
Tuesday August 27th, 2013 (11:00AM-12:00PM PDT)
Course wrap up and final discussion.
Class/panel session link: Google Hangout (recorded 8/27/13, dur:59m)
Session Notes: OpenScienceIntro_CourseConclusion (Etherpad)
Guest Speakers
Peers! (see etherpad for participants)
Course badges: Course Completion and Course Participation

*guest schedule subject to change...but it'll be fun, I promise. -Billy