Behind this course

Note: This course was designed and built by a community of people beginning just before Open Data Day 2013. Below is the initial "About" page that was used to explain the concept and planned construction during an education hackathon on February 23rd, 2013. This page was formerly the "landing" page for this Open Science course, saved for posterity.

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Many hackathons will take place on Open Data Day.

Here at Creative Commons, we're celebrating Open Data Day by getting together to build Open Educational Resources about Open Science. This course will be created during a "sprint" (an alternative to code-heavy hack sessions), and will focus on sharing essential knowledge of Open Science and Data. We'd love to have developers align Open Data tools or apps to this course. For those in all areas of science, from laboratories to backyards, astronomers to wildlife biologists, working in the open will benefit us all. This is a chance for us to learn together.

Let's teach each other about Open Science.

In this course, peers will learn to identify aspects of scientific publication, research, and data that make up Open Science. Participants will be given descriptions of three main areas of Open Science (Open Access, Open Research, Open Data), they will be asked to analyze the "openness" of science they find on the web, and will share their findings with peers. Finally, learners will be asked to explore online communities (organizations, activities, initiatives) and make a creative contribution to Open Science. This is an exploratory course that will stress the idea of Open Science as being vital to the advancement of society.

Want to help? We're working in these documents:

Leading up to the sprint, we'll be adding resources and planning modules and activities.

Want to participate in the live event?

We'll be building this in person and online. See the Eventbrite page here. Need to get ahold of a live person? Please read through the documents linked above, and then email billy dot meinke at creative commons dot org.

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Follow Open Data Day Announcements

Header image by Coconino Forest Service / CC BY-SA Open Science logo image by Greg Emmerich / CC BY-SA All other content in this course licensed CC BY where applicable.

This course organized by the Science Program at Creative Commons.

Building of this course organized by the Science Program at Creative Commons.

Additional support provided by the Open Knowledge Foundation and PLOS.

Open Knowledge Foundation. PLOS


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