Standard Set Answer:I'm looking to expand my skills
Expanded skills.
Maybe, I'd need to know more and what commitment is involved.
Anyone can follow a guide on P2PU. Participating is the next level of engagement. The sign-up is a space where interested individuals can express their interest and background in the topic and commit to working with the rest of the participants. Please answer the following set(s) of questions if you want to become a participant or organizer.
This set of signup questions is common to all study groups, courses, ... in P2PU. The answers to these questions will be public once you get accepted.
Standard Set Answer:I'm looking to expand my skills
Expanded skills.
Maybe, I'd need to know more and what commitment is involved.
Computer Science major
Location: Austin, TX
Standard Set Answer:I'm interested in participating because it's a learning oppertunity, I need to expand byond what I'm used to working with and this project is a great start.
Location: Poland
Standard Set Answer:- I want to learn some new techniques in webdesign.
- I hope I will learn JS and AJAX.
- I don't think I'm a good person for that :)
Sorry for my english.
Designer/Developer from Boston, MA.
Location: Boston, MA, USA
Standard Set Answer:PHP/mySQL
A better understand of how to implement advanced PHP (classes, functions, mySQL integration)
Civil Engineering student at Penn State
Location: State College, PA
Standard Set Answer:I have always wanted to learn PHP alot better, but have never really had the time. By participating in this program I hope on achieving better understanding of PHP, JS, and MySQL. For years I used pre-made software (such as e107 and drupal) to get all my work done, but I'd like to have the ability to code and create my own scripts, and understand the full use of PHP and MySQL.
I am interested in helping but I'm afraid my skills wouldn't be enough to help with the guide oganization.
I'm a software developer in Edmonton, Alberta, looking to aquire new skills.
Location: Edmonton, AB
Standard Set Answer:
What made you interested in this topic?
The fact that facebook is one of the largest organizations/websites in the world, I'd love to learn even a small part of how building something along the lines of facebook would work.
What do you hope to achieve by participating?
A better knowledge of HTML/CSS/MYSQL/JS/etc. Improve on skills, cultivate new skills, aquire knowledge.
Are you interested in helping with the guide organization?
Maybe in the future.
I am a homo sapien
Location: TN
Standard Set Answer:being born
to learn
Location: England
Standard Set Answer:Always been interested in web skills, be it design, developing or programming. I LIVE FOR IT!
A futher understanding of web development skills I can use to advance my career and side projects.
I'm unaware of the guide organization but I'm always looking to help someone out with something.
Standard Set Answer:* Want a deeper understanding of online product development
* Learn basic practical programming skills
* Sure, if needed
Location: Collegeville, MN
Standard Set Answer:I'm always interested in how one tackles a project like a social network, or any web application really. I've built a few of my own applications for personal learning, but I figured this might help me to further grasp some of the technology.
I hope to refine some of my PHP and overrall web skills. I've had a lot of experience with static sites, and some PHP framework background, but, again, I don't think you can practice and refine this stuff enough.
I may be.
php programmer.
Location: USA
Standard Set Answer:What made you interested in this topic? Link from reddit.
What do you hope to achieve by participating? A better understanding of developing social networking components with php.
Are you interested in helping with the guide organization? Not at this time.
Standard Set Answer:1) The technologies and end product.
2) Better understanding of the languages and interplay between them.
3) No.
Location: Los Angeles
Standard Set Answer:I used to have an interest in web design, just using photoshop and basic flash animations. Then I stopped when I hit a road block with flash scripting, and realised i needed backend web development skills, not only design.
I have a general idea on how web sites, and hosting work, but wouldlike to start learning the fundamentals on how to develope websites for a career job, personal use, and business in the future.
I have no idea how this site works, so I pobably wouldn't be much help as for becoming a guide.
Im a php programmer, who wants to know more
Location: Mexico
Standard Set Answer:It seems a full proyect, i want to know how to do arquitectural decisions to make a project as big as this
Learning more
Dont think so, depending what is it to do
Just a guy trying to stay current in web development...
Location: Whistler, BC, Canada
Standard Set Answer:I've worked with HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, etc. on simple applications but I'm interested in improving those skills, learning new ones and integrating multiple languages to create better pages. I would be interested in contributing to the guide -- I'm a professional writer and amateur web developer, and my concern when reading manuals and textbooks is the lack of readability. I think I can help with that.
Standard Set Answer:I'd like to learn how to program in PHP using MySQL in order to further my marketable skills. I am a systems administrator for a website using these technoloies and I'd like to be able to contribute more. This seems to be a great way to do that. I'd be more than happy to help in any way I can with organization or really any random task.
Location: Alexandria, VA
Standard Set Answer:I have a few ideas that I'd like to realize, and this could help me short circuit some of the wasted energy that can be expended during my learning process.
Standard Set Answer:
Standard Set Answer:I am interested in web development because it's a big industry and I seem to have a natural knack for learning it.
I hope to have some transferrable skills after participating in this topic.
I'd be more than happy to help with organization of the course.
Location: NY, New York
Standard Set Answer:1) I took an intro to computer science class my junior year of college and fell in love. Since then I have attempted to teach myself more and more. I'm constantly online learning and practicing, but would love some "formal" training.
2) I hope to learn more about creating interactive websites. Right now I more or less can only create static websites.
3) Yes.