Standard Set Answer:Working as a frontend developer, i wanna make my backend skills better.
Anyone can follow a guide on P2PU. Participating is the next level of engagement. The sign-up is a space where interested individuals can express their interest and background in the topic and commit to working with the rest of the participants. Please answer the following set(s) of questions if you want to become a participant or organizer.
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Standard Set Answer:Working as a frontend developer, i wanna make my backend skills better.
Front-end developer looking for real-world projects to hone his toolset.
wow - that sounds kinky.
Location: Holland, ja!
Standard Set Answer:I'm interested in gluing all the random knowledge I've accumulated into a cohesive project, so that I might get a more practical sense of building projects like these (I currently contribute to these with css and jquery, often templates and designs but much gets lost when turned-over to other developers…seriously, who uses javascript roll-overs these days anyway? Answer: My programmers do. Sigh.)
I integrate cms systems and contribute to forums developement, but I feel the facebook model of user-driven guiding is really the way forward. By the end, I want to stand toe-to-toe with them and show how best to accomplish a site like this, how to extend it, how to speed it up and how to move communities into the next generation of the web.
As I've had over a decade of traditional web development under my belt, I'm more than happy to help in the guide organization.
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Standard Set Answer:
Standard Set Answer:Bio:
Standard Set Answer:I've always harnessed an interest in web development. While I'm somewhat skilled, I always seek new techniques and design ideas which may further my understanding and abilities.
Standard Set Answer:I've always wanted to be a web developer. Finally there's a chance for me to learn about building something as big and as cool as Facebook. Of course I'd want to sign up.
Standard Set Answer:It's currently a very active subject (social web) and knowing how they are put together would be extremely interesting
A new understanding on social websites and the languages they are written in
Not at this time
College student
Location: Colorado
Standard Set Answer:You're teaching me how to code! What more can I ask for?
To learn more about coding websites!
Yes I'm interested.
Standard Set Answer:I am a graphic designer and saw this as the perfect opportunity to learn back-end coding.
I have a moderate understanding of html and css, as well as putting together wordpress themes. I hope to achieve a greater understanding of site infrastructure.
Once I feel comfortable conveying information to a body of people, I would be more than happy to assist with the guide organization.
Standard Set Answer:-One of the most successful websites on the ENTIRE internet, who wouldn't want to learn how to program it?
-Learning the basic design of a fully functioning website, from the ground up. Being able to translate this knowledge for a few other projects I have in mind.
-Don't know what I can do, but I'll gladly give assistance where I can :)
Standard Set Answer:Yes
Location: Orlando
Standard Set Answer:Looks interesting.
Location: Columbia, MO
Standard Set Answer:I'm currently an IT student, and web design is something I would like to learn more of. I hope to be able to gain a better understanding of everything to goes into creating a website as extensive as Facebook.
Location: Australia
Standard Set Answer:Interested in web development as a University student with no commercial background
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Standard Set Answer:What made you interested in this topic?
I'm keen to see how PHP can be used to deploy a large scale application, and what (if any) framework is used.
What do you hope to achieve by participating?
I hope to get a better grasp of PHP development and jQuery integration.
Are you interested in helping with the guide organisation?
I am a man, and I like design and programming.
Location: Zagreb, Croatia
Standard Set Answer:I would love to learn these technologies in a practical way such as this, and also learning how to duplicate such functionality. Plus, you usually learn each of these languages separately and here I think there's a great chane to quickly learn how they work together.
Well, I hope to learn, a lot!
I am interested in helping out.
Standard Set Answer:Was interested in developing a social network for a site idea.
Learn some new tricks in PHP.
Not particularly, sorry.
Standard Set Answer:Bio:
Standard Set Answer:why?
recent college graduate (NOT in cs) who sees web design in his future
Location: Richland, WA
Standard Set Answer:1) I just found out about I'm interesting in programming and want to design my own website in the next couple years. This seems like an excellent step in that direction, and who knows when the ability to add social interaction between users will come handy? This is perhaps an ambitious project to take on...
2) I hope to learn a little bit of everything, and all about building a website for social connections.
3) I am stretching belief that I'll be able to fully understand everything as it happens, so no.