I would get lost at the MSDN learnig place on Visual Studio topics, they have videos that start so basic and than the next on seems to skip a few months of something.
I took Visual Basic at a Community College, digital photgraphy and html stuff. I am currently enrolled in this class at peer to peer.
and it is going well. We all use a free blog, I wish they were all the same (Wordpress, Tumbler, Joobla, they are all good but is a class some are hard to subscribe to unless you use that brand's blog.) We also use two other tools, Dropbox, which is free secure file sharing to view our work (the blogs try to interperit html rather than show it, you have to copy the code to paint and make a jpeg of it to insert the code as a picture in a free blog) and we have a Google group also for posting questions.
I hope I can be of help.