This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Syllabus [Aug. 21, 2011, 1:32 p.m.]

Course developer and facilitator:

Stephen J.  O'Connor (Steve)

Preferred contact methods:

Skype by appointment

We will also have at least one synchronous web session, schedule to be announced


Week 1 (Oct. 17-23) - Introduction


  • Discuss possible team collaborations
  • Set up a network of resources
  • Explore the pros and cons of multimedia in instruction



  • Introduce yourself and get to know others by viewing other participant’s answers to sign up questions
  • Build our own help desk—share areas of technical expertise
  • Set your own objectives for participating in this course
  • Read, view, and comment upon pros and cons of multimedia instruction


Week 2 (Oct. 24-30) - Multimedia and Graphics


  • Establish common framework for discussing and critiquing multimedia
  • Explore the roles of graphics in instruction
  • View multimedia and instructional graphics with a critical eye



  • Read, view, and discuss media that explores research on improving effectiveness of multimedia
  • Read, view, and discuss media identifying & exploring role of graphics in instruction
  • Reflect upon multimedia and use of instructional graphics in light of research including (some or all):
    • Examples provided
    • Multimedia created by others
    • Multimedia created by self