This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Week 1: Introductions [Oct. 2, 2011, 2:59 p.m.]

Welcome to Multimedia and Graphics for Deeper Learning. I am excited to share what I have learned about making multimedia and graphics more effective for student learning. I am also eager to learn from your experiences and knowledge of multimedia for learning.

Much of what I will present here is based upon the research of Richard E. Mayer, Ruth Colvin Clark, and collaborators. While I tend to agree with most of their findings, you may have different opinions. Feel free to courteously disagree with any ideas in a constructive manner.

P2PU Philosophy


  • Peer Learning Community - While I will provide learning resources, participants should feel free to share resources they have found valuable in their practice. Participants are encouraged to learn from each other and I hope to learn from you as well.  
  • Open Sharing - Content in this course and on P2PU is openly licensed with a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY). That means whatever you contribute on the site can be shared with others as long as they attribute the source.
  • Customized Learning - You own your learning, so steer your learning to meet your needs. If you have questions or needs - post them on the Activity Wall or whereever appropriate in the class.


P2PU Tips


  • Activity Wall - This is a good place to post general questions.
  • You will get notifications by email indicating activity in the course such as posting comments, new materials, etc. You may find you are getting too much email. You can control which messages are sent to you by going to: My P2PU --> Edit Profile --> Notifications and toggle some categories of messages off.
  • Some tasks in this course can be edited by participants. If you have corrections or something important to add, click the Edit button and make your contributions. Anything you do can be undone.
  • We will use tools on the P2PU site, as well as others. Some links will bring you off the site to other online resources. If you have a useful resource, feel free to add it by editing the task, or adding it via comments.

Course Conventions


The following icon will indicate a task to be completed:

These icon represents supplemental materials:



  • Update your profile - (My P2PU --> Edit Profile) include relevant information about yourself, including your particular interests and areas of expertise. Including a image of yourself.
  • Post a comment (Post Comment--upper right hand side) on this task to introduce yourself with information about what you teach and where, along with any interests or goals for the course.
  • Click on the icons of other participants to get to know your peers in the course. Consider collaboration opportunities.