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Week 3-4: Post Your Projects [Oct. 30, 2011, 1:55 p.m.]

Hopefully, some participants are working on multimedia projects as part of this course. Post your multimedia here in completed or draft form.

The P2PU platform offeres a few options for sharing your work.

If you have something that is hosted  through youtube, vimeo or slideshare, you can embed your multimedia using the tool indicated below:

A complete list of services that can be embedded can be hound here.

If your multimedia is an image, use the button below to insert the image of your multimedia.

All other multimedia may be to be linked so that participants can either view them online off the P2PU platform, or downloaded.

Of course, you will need to put the multimedia on a public server, so that others can access it. One popular way to do that is to use a public folder in Dropbox. You can set up a free account with up to 2 GB of online storeage. Of course there are many other options. If you have any problem, email the file to me and I can post it on my server.

Posting multimedia has its challenges because we all have different software and platforms. If you are using proprietary software, consider exporting your multimedia to a common format  or even posting in multiple formats. For example a Keynote User might export to PowerPoint that most people can open using MS Office or Open Office.