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Week 3: Create Effective Multimedia [Sept. 18, 2011, 7:31 p.m.]




Reduces Extraneous Processing

The multimedia reduces the cognitive load on the learner by avoiding elements that foster extraneous processing that does not further the learning goals. The multimedia artifact shows awareness of several of the following principles:

Manages Essential Processing

Multimedia helps learner avoid cognitive overload when processing complex material. The multimedia artifact shows awareness of several of the following principles:

Fosters Generative Processing

The multimedia should foster integration of new material with existing knowledge. The multimedia artifact demonstrates awareness of several of the following principles

Uses Graphics to Foster Learning

Uses graphics effectively to enhance learning. Graphics carefully chosen to support learning. Decorative images are avoided. Graphics support attention, activate of build prior knowledge, minimize cognitive load, build mental models, or support learning transfer. The multimedia artifact may include representational, mnemonic, or explanatory graphics.