Jonas Backelin
Sept. 23, 2011, 2:59 a.m.
Title: Innovative Teacher & Education Coach
My professional career started with my qualifications in environmental chemistry and marine biology, followed by working as a teacher with specialization in didactics and ‘Information and Communication Technology’ (ICT). I’m now focusing on my thesis for my Master of Arts and Social Science in ‘Adult Learning and Global Change’ (ALGC), with the working title Navigating Distributed Knowledge with the use of Web Tools.
In 2012 I've started eduToolkit a ‘Grassroots Organization’ promoting ‘Teachers Open Online Learning’ (TOOL) for Professional Development. Our aim is to provide a free teacher training, where the desire to learn is fully met by the opportunity to do so. We investigate the concept of ‘The Networked Teacher’ and find out more about ‘Networked Literacy & Fluency’ in education.
Our first online course "eduToolkit - Promoting Teachers Open Online Learning" [TOOL] (16/1-24/3, 2012) investigated what new skills and capacities teachers need to develop in 'Networked Literacy & Fluency'. We then shared some thoughts on some criteria for badges/certification as a ‘Networked Teacher’. This was a peer to peer course at P2PU and resulted in our community badges as well as our mission statement.
In the second online course "eduToolkit - The Use of Web Tools in Networked Learning" [#CNT12] (16/4 – 4/5, 2012) we used examples from WikiEducator using the eLearning XHTML editor (eXe). We also created the challenge “Certified Networked Teacher” and developed a skill badge that can be use within the Mozilla Open Badges Project.
I then participated as one of the co-facilitators in "Empower Your Personal Learning (for teachers)" and "ePortfolios for Teachers"
The upcoming module is called “eduToolkit - Syndicated Education in Distributed Learning Environments” [#ANT] and the next module will be about expert skills as a networked teacher with “eduToolkit - Central Node in Learning Networks" [#ENT12]
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Standard Set Answer:
What made you interested in this topic?
I'm looking for assessment of open learnning
What do you hope to achieve by participating?
Develop badges for "Certified Networksed Teacher"
Are you interested in helping with the study group organization?