Standard Set Answer:- learn something new
- know more about badges
- no thanks
Anyone can follow a study group on P2PU. Participating is the next level of engagement. The sign-up is a space where interested individuals can express their interest and background in the topic and commit to working with the rest of the participants. Please answer the following set(s) of questions if you want to become a participant or organizer.
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Standard Set Answer:Bio:
Location: Bradford, UK
Standard Set Answer:Seems like it might be useful to put this across our websites. We already assign badges on Primary Games Arena so this might be easy to transfer over.
I am a Primary Teacher interested in using technology in my teaching and learning. I am a Google Certified Teacher and Apple Distinguished Educator. I also love painting and I am a keen musician.
Location: Leicestershire, UK
Standard Set Answer:I've recently started rewriting my school ICT curriculum and had the idea of using badges with the children so they could not only be recognised by their teachers for the learning that they have achieved but also the learning they do on their own merit and be awarded additional badges by their peers in recognition of those skills.
I hope to discover more about what the Open Badges project is and how it can be used by educators and learners. I would also like Open Badges to involve younger learners and hope that my involvement and participation will encourage this.
For the time being I would rather take part as a participant by offering suggestions and involving others rather than with the organization of the group itself.
Instructional designer, instructor, author, parent
Location: Chicago, IL
Standard Set Answer:What made me interested was working with badges in a game project. I'd like to acquire a deeper knowledge on the topic as well as inspiration.
Hello, I am a Dad, a passionate designer, online producer and changemaker. I live life on purpose. I am addicted to creative pursuits. I love to know why and how, and I am eternally expanding and sharing my knowledge.... Born in Puerto Rico, well traveled, I now live in Melbourne Australia.
I am a online community facilitator and member of the Telstra social media team.
I am also the curator of various social innovation projects and lead a team of designers, educators and subject matter experts. Together we collaborate and host online and offline events, classes and other fun stuff designed to effect positive change.
For example, ideas@play is a program that uses design, technology, social media and play to engage and empower young people effect positive change in their communities.
Come join us.
Skype for Education:
Please do get in contact. I'm open to Skype discussions and other ways I might contribute and use my knowledge and skills.
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Standard Set Answer:I've been following for a while now. Big fan of the potential for this platform.
I'm also a member of the Open Badges Google group.
I'm planning to use badges in one of my latest projects. See link.
I'm creating the Reinventing School course here on P2PU and would love to be able to incorporate the badges
Curriculum Director at Open High School of Utah.
Location: St. George, UT
Standard Set Answer:I am working on creating/incorporating badges into a virtual high school environment. I am interested in seeing how others are looking at using OpenBadges in education.
College web developer and instructional technology graduate student.
Location: Texas
Standard Set Answer:This is the first interesting alternative that I have seen to the traditional education system. What I like about it initially is that it doesn't have to necessarily replace brick and mortar universities as much as accentuate it, by providing a more realistic way to express the many ways in which learning happens in the 21st century. As a web developer I would love to have badges to represent the seminars, workshops, tutorials, et al that I have completed as part of my ongoing professional development. As a grad student in instructional technology, the idea of badges interests me as it could be applied in developing training modules in a course or a full program. I would like to learn more about where Mozilla is headed with their implementation of badges and who is involved at this point. At this point, I'm not sure what would be involved in helping out with the study group, just let me know.
I am the eLearning director at Tacoma Community College. I am passionate about education and innovative technology.
Standard Set Answer:I am interested in this topic because I am intrigued by the concept of using badges as a tool for indicating competency.
I would like to learn more about the Mozilla open badges program and how it can be used.
I would be interested in helping with the study group organization.
Location: Manchester, UK
Standard Set Answer:Bio:
PhD student and researcher in learning technologies and web 2.0 at CICERO Learning Network, University of Helsinki, Finland
Location: Helsinki
Standard Set Answer:- I am a passoinate of open source applications and digital tools and would like to learn more about them
I currently serve as an Associate Professor and Director of Teaching and Learning with Bluegrass Community & Technical College, headquartered in Lexington, Kentucky.
Location: Danville, Kentucky
Standard Set Answer:
I am currently conducting my Ph.D. Dissertation research on formal, informal, and non-formal learning. I have reviewed the Mozilla Wiki and read several peer-reviewed articles concerned badges as a means of documenting non-traditional learning.
I hope to learn more about the Mozilla Badges initiative, as well as, collaborate with others that have similar interest in badges and documentation of experiential learning.
I am extremely interested in assisting the organization of this study group.
Clovis C. Perry, Jr.
Head of ICT at Secondary School in the UK, fingers in many pies and very very very interested in anything to do with edtech
Standard Set Answer:I am involved socially and collaboratively with many projects, discussions, interests and groups that cover a wide variety of areas and involve many skills loosely combined with education and technology. This sounds as if it could somehow prove some of the many hours I commit to this actually happens.
I am a graduate student (PhD) in the Faculty of Education, Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy at the University of British Columbia. My area of research is how people learn to learn about, and with, digital technologies. At present I am fine-tuning a theoretica approach based on enactivism, dialogism, institutional isomorphism and distributed leadership as communities of practice.
Location: Vancouver, BC
Standard Set Answer:I just finished teaching two summer courses in a teacher education program. I designed the courses to function as blended learning experiences. One course was assessed by grading, the other was pass/fail. Both approaches were not useful when it comes to providing meaningful, just-in-time assessment that contributes to learning and provides and indication of the learner's progress. I hope to achieve broader perspectives about possible alternatives to industrial assessment paradigms, methods that support 21 century learning activities. I am interested in helping with the study group organization.
Location: Los Angeles, USA
Standard Set Answer:Being an educator and a technologist I have interest in any and all technologies that help in learning. I hope to learn how the new framework works and can be helpful in education and to network with people doing the same. I would love to help with whatever I am able to. Thanks .. Z
I teach in further education a couple of days a week, (mostly people who want to be TAs), run some on line courses, write for some blogs, write articles for various on and off line publications.
I’m interested in informal learning and the use of web based services.
Standard Set Answer:1. I heard about the topic via Doug Belshaw on Google+
2. I want to learn more about the Open Bages system
3. I will mostly be reading & lurking.
I am a software developer and a researcher in IT in Computer Science Education.
Location: Cambridge, MA
Standard Set Answer:Assessment in online learning is one of the trickiest topics and it will be great to see what others think about the topic and how they deal with it.
Learn from others through participation.
Could help if needed.
"What you learn without joy, you forget without grief"
Creating change in education to benefit all learners. Imagining, integrating, improving and implementing ideas, structures and tools to educate students to meet the challenges of tomorrow with confidence.
Currently working as communications manager for Kasavuori Dream School concept (Kauniainen, Finland)
Location: London
Standard Set Answer:1.Possibility of learning something new and the potential this has in changing, improving education and making education more accessible and interesting.
2.I hope to increase my understanding of how peer to peer assessment works and I want to learn more about Mozilla Open Badges and use it with students later.
3.Yes, I am interested in helping with the study group organization.
I'm an English and IT teacher in Australia. I am also the Learning Technology Coordinator for my school.
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Standard Set Answer:Bio:
Program Manager, Service/Support Executive, Coordinator of the Open Doors Group
Location: California
Standard Set Answer:I am managing the College Open Textbooks participation in the Mozilla Badges beta. I hope to learn about the other beta trial participants and also how to create the software to interface to the hub and other parts of the Mozilla Foundation interface. I also hope to move Badges beyond computer science and games and into academic disciplines. I can help a little with organizing the study group but have many other commitments.
I'm the Open Education Policy Associate at the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. I'm also an open education consultant. More at
Location: Olympia, Washington, USA
Standard Set Answer:I think motivation is critical to self-learning and online learning. Badges can be seen as a reward, and are therefore motivating. That's why I'm here.
My 7-year-old cousin spends hours learning at the Khan Academy so he can earn the next badge. I want to think more about badges and other award tokens, and how they can motivate learners.
I'm not sure if I can commit to helping with anything on a regular basis due to my schedule and commitments. Maybe next time... if you offer me a nice badge :P