Standard Set Answer:I just love it.
Anyone can follow a study group on P2PU. Participating is the next level of engagement. The sign-up is a space where interested individuals can express their interest and background in the topic and commit to working with the rest of the participants. Please answer the following set(s) of questions if you want to become a participant or organizer.
This set of signup questions is common to all study groups, courses, ... in P2PU. The answers to these questions will be public once you get accepted.
Standard Set Answer:I just love it.
Location: Mexico
Standard Set Answer:1.- Me interese leyeno un articulo de internet que mencionaba recursos para aprendizaje online.
2.- Deseo aprender PHP y MySQL para desarrollar aplicaciones efectivas y de bajo costo que ayuden al pequeño comercio de mi pais a integrarse a la modernidad.
3.- Si me gustaria participar.
Location: West Yorkshire
Standard Set Answer:Glad to have found this site, still working my way around and clicking on the participate button. If I can contribute myself in a meaningful way, I will surely do so :)
I love study,sport,reading and so on.
Location: China
Standard Set Answer:php,java,javascript
Location: Illinois
Standard Set Answer:
Web Development, graphic design, programmer, ubuntu geek, Linux system admin.
Location: New Zealand
Standard Set Answer:I enjoy creating websites, PHP has a very strong presence in web development.
Extend my small skillset.
Tell me what I can do, I'll do my best to help out!
Location: San Antonio
Standard Set Answer:Bio:
Location: Romania
Standard Set Answer:I want to learn about PHP.
Develop my knowledge in web development.
Location: Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina
Standard Set Answer:¿Qué lo hizo interesarse en este tema?
mis conocimientos en php son muuuuy basicos, pero aun asi, nunca es tarde para empezar denuevo!
¿Qué espera lograr al participar?
Aprender todo lo que pueda!
¿Está interesado(a) en ayudar con la organización del study group?
Por el momento me es imposible
Standard Set Answer:To learn PHP
Passion for technology and media,specializing in web design, application development and technology support.
Location: pacific northwest
Standard Set Answer:{+] Want to utilize skills in PHP to to streamline tasks that can be automated or made dynamic through PHP. Essenstially want to expand in the areas of dynamic data base driven web development.
[+] Gain insight and more understanding to the benefits of PHP, incorporate its' functions and uses into client sites.Looking to improve programming abilities and increase understanding of OOP.
{+] Yes, If there is something I can do, I will try to be of service.
Web Developer with lots of Ambitions and Passion.
Location: India
Standard Set Answer:I want to learn php more. I felt that it's nice concept to do group activies like learning and all.
Location: Granada
Standard Set Answer:Lo necesito para mi trabajo y colaboraré en lo que pueda. Un saludo!
Always eager for new knowledge
Standard Set Answer:I wish to learn more about coding especially open source.
I wish to increase my knowledge of coding as well as helping others.
My name is Asif Chowdhury Aumi. I was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh, at 1st November 1984. Since I had a bit sense I wanted to become a programmer (though couldn’t become one till now). I have studied php, MySql, HTML, XHTML, RHCE. I know a bit of java scripting language, Perl & Python.
Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Standard Set Answer:
Soy Estudiante de Ingenieria de Sistemas e Informatica de la UNS
Location: Peru
Standard Set Answer:What made you interested in this topic?
Aprender y tener conociemientos de diferentes tecnologias
Hi Everyone,
I'm Jeff and I'm interested in working towards become a software developer. I am currently a corporate trainer and am in charge of a our company website and database, but I'm looking to build a stronger foundation in software/programming development. At this point, I'm primarily self-taught, but am realizing that collaboration with other programmers will be the key to strengthening my skills. I look forward to working and learning with everyone here.
Location: United States
Standard Set Answer:I have been interested in programming for several years. I was asked to create a web-based database for my employer. I started to pick up MySQL pretty quickly, but have realized that PHP is a little tricker for me. I have studied using a few different resources, but am hoping the collaboration on this site will help solidify my understanding of the PHP language.
I hope to achieve a better understanding of the capabilities of PHP and also the skills that will bring me closer to completing my web-based database.
I would be interested in helping with the study group. I was previously a middle school science teacher and am now a corporate trainer. I do enjoy teaching and helping others just about as much as I love learning.
Location: Australia
Standard Set Answer:What made you interested in this topic? I want to build some web services using php
What do you hope to achieve by participating? Understanding of syntax and types etc
Are you interested in helping with the study group organization? No
Freelance programmer/analyst/architect, interested in computers and information management as well as environment, sustainable agriculture, politics and music
Location: Groton, Massachusetts
Standard Set Answer:I have a wide range of skills and many years of experience in information technology, but I have never developed a Web based application. These days, it seems that all of the good jobs and interesting projects involve some level of Web based front end, and in order to keep my skills current I need to acquire this knowledge.
I hope to achieve a working knowledge of PHP and related Web programming services.
My interest in helping with the study group organization is related to the time commitment required and the tasks needed. I can probably help a little bit.
Location: kabul
Standard Set Answer:the title,
learn more and teach others