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Text Editors

was planning to use notepad++ just because I have heard it before and not having an idea of what an IDE is, might have downloaded eclipse once.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor .
  • Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.
  • Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.
  • Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.
  • List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.
  • Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.
  • Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.


For the purpose of this course, you may use the IDLE development tool that ships with Python.

Mac users: Please read these instructions to make sure that your system has IDLE installed.

Libre/Open Source programming tools

This is a list of Free/Open Source text editors with Python compatibility.

Task Discussion

  • Iftekhar Mohammad said:


    Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor .

    • tab completion

    • memory of variables and classes you have constructed


    Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.

    • IDLE

    • Kate

    • Gedit

    • Sublime

    • Komodo Edit


    Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.

    • IDEs allow the programmer to organize files and libraries

    • Guessing

    • debugging tools

    • automatic tools for 'building' or compiling the code

    • sometimes a GUI interface for creating GUI applications


    Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.


    • code highlighting

    • code completion

    • line numbering


    • IDEs can be very complex in contrast to Programming Text Editor

    • directory and versioning management tools

    • Programming Text Editor generally don't have debugging tools


    List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.

    • IDLE

    • PyCharm

    • Ninja IDE

    • Netbeans

    • Eric

    • Wing IDE


    Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.

    • I'll be using PyCharm, Komodo Edit and Python 2.7


    Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.

    • PyCharm is very advanced IDE.

    • Komodo Edit is Free and have some good facility.

    • Python 2.7 is well supported .

    on May 16, 2013, 3:10 a.m.
  • e.mccormick said:

    1) Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor .

    In many ways, this is the difference between a text editor and a very basic word processor.  A text editor just edits the text bur relies on the person to know how to spell, do formatting and so on.  A programming editor has these sorts of features that allow for proper organization and formatting of the code.  Some programming editors also know how to spell the terms used in the languages they edit.  This helps reduce the number of syntax errors.

    2) Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.

    Notepad ++ runs, I have used it for years.  I also have EditPad, which was a pre-feature-explosion programming editor that is basically a text editor that can format lines properly for programming, does multiple files, and has an advanced search and replace tool. Geany and gEdit would also run.

    3) Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.
    4) Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.

    An IDE has a programming editor in so all the advantages of a programming text editor are also advantages of an IDE.  However, the differences are what make it an IDE rather than just another programming editor, which is why I am, answering these both at once.  

    And IDE can maintain your code base, making it easier to reuse code, manage large projects, control collaboration, and link properly with DLLs, other code snippets, and so on.  It is a programming environment and can usually give far more information on errors in the code.  They also usually include or work very closely with the compiler and linker, so they can generate more helpful information when something goes wrong there than a programming editor will.

    5) List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.

    Bloodshed Dev-C++, Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and 2010, and Eclipse.

    6) Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.

    Notepad ++

    7) Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.

    I have Eclipse, and it could do the Python, but I found it to be a monster to even use for the most basic things.  Took me hours to do something that I could do in minutes without using Eclipse so I have never been happy with it.  At some point I need to take classes in Eclipse because it is simply so non-intuitive that even starting a new project can leave a person baffled and wondering what they did wrong.

    In contrast, Notepad ++  works and I can easily get Python to run the code I produce with it.



    on April 21, 2013, 3:19 p.m.

    cstsupport said:

    Greetings from Ireland. Thank you for contacting me. I am currently out of the country with very limited access to my emails. I shall return to the office on Tuesday May 7th 2013. Please be aware that Monday May 6th is a bank holiday in Ireland. During my absence Ms. Aoife Hayes will be delighted to answer your queries. You may reach her at Warmest Regards, Rosetta Talley
    on April 21, 2013, 3:22 p.m. in reply to e.mccormick
  • Florentino said:

    Hi there

    I've alredy had Notepad++ installed.

    on April 8, 2013, 1:11 p.m.
  • eevenhe said:

    I downloaded NotePad++  for me it is one of the best

    on April 5, 2013, 1:19 a.m.
  • Dennis Daniels said:


    P2PU Python Programming and Text Editors task two
    Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor .
    • tab completion
    • memory of variables and classes you have constructed
    Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.
    • IDLE
    • pluma
    • gedit
    Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.
    • IDEs allow the programmer to organize files and libraries
    • provide tools for versioning
    • debugging tools
    • automatic tools for 'building' or compiling the code
    • sometimes a GUI interface for creating GUI applications
    Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.
    • code highlighting
    • code completion
    • line numbering
    • IDEs can be very complex in contrast to Programming Text Editor
    • directory and versioning management tools
    • Programming Text Editor generally don't have debugging tools
    List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.
    • IDLE
    Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.
    • I'll be using IDLE and Ipython3
    Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.
    • IDLE is built in, batteries included
    • Ipython3 is an amazing UI for learning and using Python.
    see slides here:
    and video here
    on March 17, 2013, 9:10 a.m.
  • Wouter Tebbens said:

    1) A programmaing text editor helps to highlight the source code and possible errors.

    2) An editor I had already installed is gEdit. Another text editor that I use often is nano.

    3) An IDEA has as advantage to compile, build and debug the source code

    4) Both text editors and IDEs use coloured highlighting, to help complete and debug the code, but while both provide a source code editor, an IDE adds to that with build automation and debug tools. Sometimes IDEs include a version control system and object hierarchy diagrams.

    5) I just installed the IDLE, Spỳder and the Ninja-IDE

    6) For now I'll be using Spyder as it seems a practical, with various useful help functions and nice GUI.


    on March 5, 2013, 11:02 a.m.
  • Guayo said:


    Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor.
    A programming text editor will allow me to highlight the syntax
    Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.
    I have installed ninja, but I already have Geany and Gedit.  I was told that i should keep using VI as a text editor.
    Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.
    It provides a tool to manage complex projects, also facilitates testing and debugging.
    Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.
    IDE has its own PTE.
    List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.
    Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.
    I will use Ninja and practice with VI
    Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.
    It looked easy to use, so I will start with it.  Also is not so complicated to install like Eclipse.
    on Feb. 26, 2013, 9:03 p.m.
  • Joel Mendoza said:


    • Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor .

    Syntax highlighting

    • Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.


    • Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.

    Run code, Debugging.

    • Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.

    Syntax highlighting

    • List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.


    • Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.


    • Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.

    Easy to use.

    on Jan. 29, 2013, 12:08 a.m.

    cstsupport said:

    Greetings from Ireland. Thank you for contacting me. I am currently out of the office today. I will have limited access to emails. Until then I look forward to responding to your queries when I return. Warmest Regards, Rosetta Talley
    on Jan. 29, 2013, 12:14 a.m. in reply to Joel Mendoza
  • rinckemi said:


    Benefits of using a programming text editor: syntax highlighting, ability to handle UTF-8 encoded text
    A programming text editor that runs on my system: Notepad++
    Integrated Development Environment: A developer can use an IDE to do all their development in one program. 
    Similarites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an IDE: You can edit your code in both, but a programming text editor can only be used to write code, wherease an IDE can also be used for build automation and debugging. 
    An IDE that runs on my OS: Eclipse
    What I'll use during this course and why: I'll use Notepad++. It's what I've used in the past and I like it. If I need an IDE, I'll use Eclipse, since I know it's widely used and it would be good to learn how to use it.
    on Jan. 27, 2013, 11:31 p.m.
  • Aiden Drake said:

    Benefits: I gets syntax highlighting!

    Other editors: Kate, gEdit.

    An IDE is like a whole system of coding thingies. Not only can you edit the code, but you can compile and debug it.

    Similarities: They both have syntax highligting, and allow you to open other documents.

    Differances: You can't run a program through an editor.

    IDEs: Ninja, Eclipse.

    I use Eclipse. This is mostly because it is very universal, and has a large commuinity.

    on Jan. 22, 2013, 6:06 p.m.
  • sjemastick said:


  • Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor .
  • Syntax highlighting

  • Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.
  • TextEdit, TextWrangler, TextMate...

  • Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.
  • They allow you to manage projects, run code, debugging.

  • Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.
  • They both allow you to save your files and have syntax highlighting.

  • List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.
  • Xcode, IDLE, Eclipse, Code::Blocks, NetBeas, Geany...

  • Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.
  • IDLE

  • Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.
  • It is easy to use and doesn't have superfluous features.

on Nov. 20, 2012, 6:31 a.m.
  • drediamond said:

    I use TextWrangler!

    on Oct. 28, 2012, 7:51 p.m.
  • Mira said:


    • Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor .

    Text editer highlights the text according to the language of programming used, lets to chose encoding. Notepad++ allows to compare two vertions of code. Kate has a console intergrated

    • Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.

    Notepad++,  Notepad  on Windows XP

    • Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.

    Helps to manage complexe projects with libraries, debugs

    • Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.

    Both helps to clarify the code and to search through it. The IDE lets to have all the nacessary functions in the same place.

    • List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.

    NetBeans, Eclipse, IDLE Python, Visual Studio

    • Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.
    • Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.

    I prefer to start with IDLE. The IDE like NetBeans, Eclipse are too complicated for me even if I've already used them a bit.

    on Oct. 16, 2012, 8:13 p.m.
  • Anonym said:

    A programming text editor always have a lot of caracteristics that helps the developer to program in a easier way, like code higlighting.

    Some known text editors are:

    Windows: IDLE, Notepad++, Ninja-Ide

    OpenSUSE: IDLE, KWrite, Gedit, Ninja-Ide


    Basically a IDE, is a programming text editor with advanced functionalities like project management, run the project, code completion and plugins (to add more funcionalities).

    Usuarlly a programming text editor allows to write our code and save it in many formats (depending on the language), but an IDE allows to go further and create bigger and more organized projects, with a lot of funcionalities that programming text editors would'nt have.


    Some known Python IDEs are:

    Windows: Eclipse, Ninja-Ide.

    OpenSUSE: Eclipse: Ninja-Ide,.


    For me, i will choose Ninja-Ide because of the next reasons: powerful code editor, code locator, errors and PEP8 finder, project management, runs projects and files, highly extensible and is Free Software under the GPL v3 license.

    on Oct. 14, 2012, 7:56 p.m.
  • Shannon said:

    A text editor allows you to compose, save, and access text for a program. They may enhance your composing by highlighting (color-coding) syntax, autocompleting text, helping/prompting you to maintain the style of the code (indentation, brackets ...), browsing code, and maybe other features or plugins that cross over into what some might consider features of an IDE, like code folding (selectively showing only text desired). Some text editors that work with winXP: Notepad++, Ultraedit, 

    An IDE may have such text editing features plus higher-level automation tools, like debugging, version control, class hierarchy diagramming... Some winXP-capable IDEs: IDLE, Wing, Eclipse.

    I worked with IDLE til the 4th task prompted me to try Wing. I like that with Wing I can see my code in one pane and the code results in another pane at the same time. The parenthesis highlighting has helped, too.

    on Oct. 1, 2012, 3:17 p.m.
  • 1Paul said:



    I'd say the benefit is mainly ease of use. As a beginner programmer, a simple easy-to-use text editor allows you to focus on learning how to program instead of how to use an IDE. Also,  a text editor, unlike IDEs forces you practice your debugging skills in a way that IDEs can't.

    Since I'm a Mac user I use text wrangler, though I also like text edit. I haven't used many IDEs but I'm a bit familiar with Eclipse. My understanding is that Eclipse is very popular in the dev community, and has many extensions for all sorts of programming languages.  The biggest advantage I see with an IDE is to reduce the development time, making it easier to debug, also if you're working with other developers, some have collaborative features. 

    I'm going to use Text Wrangler, it's very easy to use, and of course free !

    on Sept. 17, 2012, 2:09 p.m.

    thoughtcrimes said:

    thanks for your comments. I am familar with several text editors, but am new to the Mac universe. I have just installed Text Wrangler, and am glad to hear that it is recommended by other users. 

    on Oct. 15, 2012, 3:48 p.m. in reply to 1Paul
  • Ryan B Harvey said:

    I've used a variety of programming text editors and IDEs over the years.  I program across many platforms, so I have favorites on each platform:

    MacOS X: TextMate and Python(x,y)

    Windows: Notepad++ and Python(x,y)

    Linux: gEdit or vi, depending, and SPE or PyDev, depending on the project

    on Sept. 16, 2012, 11:59 p.m.
  • milly2412 said:



    my OS is Win7 so i found 3, IDLE, PYSCRIPTER AND NINJA .. the programming text edito, if you are an expert this a more simply way to develop software but if your are not Integrated Development Enviroment is an easy way to do so, and alot of help its inside of it, they both are almost the same but one its for experts and the other for no experts or maybe just to make more relaxing the making of code.

    I choose Pyscripter because its easy, and clear.. 

    on Sept. 7, 2012, 12:06 a.m.
  • Jesse said:

    I have Ninja-IDE, IDLE, and Notpad++ on a development machine (a virtualbox machine).  Several months ago I created the development environment to learn various programming languages with different programming paradigms--OO, Functional, Assembly, and Logic to name a few.  My reason for downloading and installing IDLE might have been because it didn't take up much space on my machine, but after looking at the Ninja-IDE during this task, it turns out to be a light-weight IDE so I decided to give it a try.

    If Ninja-IDE doesn't have a REPL (read-eval-print loop), which I think is synonymous with the "Interactive Interpreter" IDLE has, I will more than likely be using both.  Alas, I haven't used any of these tools yet so it's all hopes and speculations.  I generally like IDEs as they can make life a whole lot easier, especially bigger projects.

    And if I'm allowed to give advise to someone who hasn't had much programming experience: you don't need a full blown IDE to learn a language, it could get in the way a little, something like IDLE's interactive interpreter, however, can be enormously benificial to learning the basics and getting immediate feedback on how the language works.

    on Aug. 31, 2012, 5:23 a.m.