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Text Editors

was planning to use notepad++ just because I have heard it before and not having an idea of what an IDE is, might have downloaded eclipse once.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor .
  • Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.
  • Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.
  • Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.
  • List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.
  • Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.
  • Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.


For the purpose of this course, you may use the IDLE development tool that ships with Python.

Mac users: Please read these instructions to make sure that your system has IDLE installed.

Libre/Open Source programming tools

This is a list of Free/Open Source text editors with Python compatibility.

Task Discussion

  • 0quesevayantodos0 said:

    Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor .

  • Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.
  • Notepad, IDLE

  • Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.
  • An Integrated Development environments can streamline the writing process through syntax highlighting and reproduction*, as well as allowing the writer to debug within the editor

  • Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.
  • Both PTE's and IDE"s allow text formating and string searching but and IDE facilitates debugging, etc *
  • List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.
  • IDLE

  • Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.
  • IDLE

on Aug. 30, 2012, 7:24 p.m.
  • axilleas said:

    • Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor .

    Syntax highlighting,

    • Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.

    Vim, emacs, geany, bluefish

    • Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.

     build automation

    • Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.


    • List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.


    • Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.


    • Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.

    vim is light and easy to use when working in command line, geany is fun when working through my KDE :)

    on Aug. 30, 2012, 4:30 a.m.
  • Youngestprof said:


    • Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor .

    It makes a neat code and one is able to easily open the code for editing and to transfer as required

    • Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.

    Editplus, Textpad, Notepad, gedit

    • Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.

    There is a facility for automatic code generation and also some IDE gives WYSIWYG facilities

    • Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.

    The editplus text editor only paints texts and works well on text formatting and some IDEs also do the same.

    Eclipse IDE

    • List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.

    Eclipse IDE

    • Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.

    gedit, Eclipse

    • Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.

    I am looking into using Django

    on Aug. 27, 2012, 9:50 a.m.
  • amryfitra said:


    Syntax highlighting

    Integration with other language (HTML, XML,)

    Pylint integration

    Unit test integration 

    Revision control system

    Cloud integration (Heroku, appengine)

    Database integration

    on Aug. 21, 2012, 9:22 a.m.

    saravanan said:

    I think you use pycharm.

    on Aug. 21, 2012, 12:56 p.m. in reply to amryfitra
  • saravanan said:

    Benefits of using a programming text editor is syntax highlighting, indentation,etc,.

    IDLE, gedit are suitable for my operating sytem.

    IDE contains source code editor, build tools and debugger. All in one place no need to switch/search for other application use in a system. Single application to develop, run and debug.

    In Both IDE and text editor user can edit his code in common, but ide carries more option like build tools,debugging.

    Ninja IDE runs in my os.

    I choose IDLE

    Because i have tried various IDE's but for python 3 support they show bugs / errors or sometimes a complex installation even. But Idle is better for this course. It looks simple easy integration of codes.


    on Aug. 16, 2012, 1:44 p.m.
  • ParrotHead said:


    Learning Objectives
    Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor.
    Text editors allow you to edit and write plain text without formatting. This is especially useful if you are working with code in programming and markup languages.
    Advanced text editors include features like syntax highlighting, which can color code text based on the programming language it is written in, and macros, which allow you to automate repetitive tasks.
    Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.
    Notepad++, and IDLE
    Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.
    IDE stands for integrated development Environment. It is a collection of facilities provided to the users. Database designer and application programmers use it. It is used to create database and database applications. An IDE simplifies the tasks of creating and using a database..
    IDE's use a graphical interface. The users do not create database applications manually. They use the graphical interface of IDE to enter specifications of the required application. The IDE automatically build the application.  A user does not require detailed knowledge of the database system to create database applications.
    Some benefits of IDE are as follows:
    • 				It is relatively easy to use.
    • 				It simplifies the creation of database applications.
    • 				It does not require a detailed knowledge of database design/development.
    • 				It provides predefined facilities to search, sort, retrieve and process data in database.
    • 				It also provide facilities to create an attractive user interface with menu, buttons text boxes etc. 
    Identify some similarities and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.
    Both can be used for coding but IDE's offer syntax formatting and automation of tasks (plus more).
    List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.
    Ninja IDE
    Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.
    Notepad++,Ninja and possibly Bottle
    Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.
    Notepad++ - Good reviews, ease of us/installation
    Bottle – Based on reviews,it's an entire web-framework in a single Python module. 

    on Aug. 16, 2012, 12:25 p.m.
  • Amos Jangles said:

    I've tried lots of editors and IDEs but stick to Gedit on Precise and Editra on W7.


    They both have Python highlighting and Editra can debug with an addon. I'll use IDLE when things get more complicated

    on July 17, 2012, 1:04 p.m.
  • Rahul said:

    Benefits of programming text editor - syntax highlighting, intending, code folding, ..etc

    Text Editors on my system - Gedit, vim

    Benefits of IDE's - Code completion, debugging support, refactoring support, manages the build(in some cases), templates ...etc

    IDE running on my system - Eclipse (Java) , Netbeans, Geany

    For Python -  Gedit, Geany

    Gedit seems to be fast and light, and useful for small projects and Geany is for more complex projects. I'm also using geany for C++

    on July 15, 2012, 9:19 p.m.
  • Rob said:

    Advantages: syntax highlighting, in some instances, ability to test and troubleshoot code

    Editors: Notepad; TextWrangler

    Similarities/Differences:  IDE has text editor capability, but text editor does not function as IDE; Debugging available in IDE; Both are useful for writing code

    IDE: Komodo Edit (from Activestate); IDLE; 

    For use: TextWrangler or IDLE

    Chose TextWrangler based upon recommendation from a friend, provides syntax support for Python, Perl, etc.




    on July 14, 2012, 9:01 p.m.
  • Judka99 said:


    • Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor .
    • A text editor is a good tool for working with languages that you can easily find resources for online.
    • Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.
    • Notepad++ works on my system, as does EditPlus.
    • Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.
    • An IDE might work better with a programming language that needs more built in support, like .NET. 
    • Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.
    • An IDE will have more built in support, like code completion and syntax checking.
    • List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.
    • I have used Netbeans IDE before.
    • Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.
    • I downloaded Notepad++ because I like it's simplicity. 
    • Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.
    • When I used Netbeans before I found it a bit complicated. I am interested in learning the basics first, so I don't want all the bells and whistles of an IDE to begin with.
    on July 12, 2012, 10:39 p.m.
  • Inkbug said:

    • Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor .
      • Mainly syntax highlighting.
    • Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.
      • Notepad++
    • Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.
      • More powerfull tools
    • Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.
      • Allow more effficient coding
    • List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.
      • MS Visual Studio
    • Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.
    • Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.
      • I already use Notepad++, so I intend to continue using it, although I might explore some other text editors.
    on July 12, 2012, 6:02 a.m.
  • ionut.vlasin said:

    Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor
    -highlights syntax

    Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System

    - gEdit

    Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.

    -code completion

    -usually there's an integrated debugger

    Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.

    I guess that for some programming languages, like Java for example it's easyer to use an IDE because you have to deal with many classes and in my opinion IDE's provide a lot of help. Text editors are good because in my opinion it's easyer to learn the language.

    Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.


    Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class

     - i'm familiar with it

    on July 9, 2012, 7:57 a.m.
  • DontCallMeShirley said:

    • Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor .


    They work much faster and crash less than an IDE because they only focus on one language at a time

    • Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.

    Notepad ++


    • Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.

    Being able to use multiple languages at once in the same program

    Having more control

    • Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.


    They both make writing code easier than using a regular text document with features that highlight and provide shortcuts


    IDE's have a more cluttered UI than Text Editors

    IDE's have more functionality than Text Editors

    • List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.




    • Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.

    Notepad ++

    • Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.

    Since I am basically a n00b at programming, and in my experience I have run across Notepad ++ several times, I will be using Notepad ++ since it is very simple relatively and I am remotely familiar with it.

    on June 26, 2012, 12:54 p.m.
  • jeroenrijckaert said:

    • Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor .
      • Syntax highlighting
      • Bracket matching
    • Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.
      • gVim is enough
    • Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.
      • Autocompletion
      • Compile and run from the same program where the coding takes place
      • Debugging help
    • Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.
      • A text editor is integrated into IDE's, while IDE's are not integrated into text editors.
      • Both are designed to help you code.
    • List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.
      • Eclipse
      • Lazarus
      • Geany
    • Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.
      • (g)Vim !
    • Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.
      • Vim can run without a GUI, which makes it perfect to run over SSH
      • Vim is a very, very complete text editor, while not feeling bloated
      • Vim has syntax highlighting for almost EVERY language
      • Vim has a portable version
      • Vim is free
      • Vim is created by Bram Molenaar, which lives in the Netherlands just like me
      • Vim is small and fast
    on June 20, 2012, 2:06 p.m.
  • LostinLA said:

    Depends on the editor youre using, but the advantages include syntax highlighting, bracketing, collapsible functions, indenting, autofinish or autocorrect. They can also have help files and language specifications, object browsers and a bunch of other stuff.

    For text editing I like notepad++ or gedit. I've played with the Ninja thing before.

    on June 16, 2012, 5:15 p.m.
  • copyninja said:

    Why isn't emacs in the list? Its a very good editor for Python

    on June 2, 2012, 1:11 a.m.
  • ksuersmith said:

    • Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor .

      • esier to save code?

      • highlights syntax, so it should be easier to find errros

    • Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.

      • Since I am going to try to work on portable versions of python, I will limit myself to editors that are portable

        • NotePad++

        • Geany

    • Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.

      • integration of editor, debugger, and compiler

      • add-ons for specific purposes

    • Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.

      • I'd guess that some of the sim/diffs depend on the packages you choose.

      • I need to explore this aspect more closely

    • List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.

      • IDLE is packaged with the portable

    • Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.

      • NotePad++

      • Geany

    • Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.

      • Since I am going to try to work on portable versions of python, I will limit myself to editors that are portable.  I may occasionally work on a USB drive, but most of the time (even though I am using portable installatons), I'll be working on my desktop PC.

    on June 1, 2012, 2 p.m.
  • Anonym said:

    With text editors you can have highlighted text for easier programming and it saves text without formatting.    
    Notepad ++ is free and works with windows.
    IDEs provide a debugger to easily spot errors of code and automation tools for speed.
    From what I understand the text editors are imbued within IDEs... You can choose to work with a text editor alone or get more funcionality with IDEs.
    Eclipse and Ninja are IDEs that runs on Windows 7
    Ninja IDE seems cool. Looks like it has everything I need to start.

    on June 1, 2012, 11:35 a.m.
  • Tigger said:

    I installed Pycharm 2.5 from JetBrains

    on May 30, 2012, 7:19 p.m.
  • queerpedagogue said:

    I explored some of the different options, but for now I think I'm going to stick with vim, since it's what I'm most familiar with and will probably require the least learning curve...

    on May 29, 2012, 6:55 p.m.