This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Overview: What's this charrette about? [June 3, 2012, 6:26 p.m.]

Design Charrette Goals

  • Inventory best practices and redesign trends in teaching and learning in Developmental English
  • Brainstorm what new approaches, resources, tools, etc. might support broader access and greater success for students needing remediation
  • Build a community of practice around this topic


Tasks to Be Completed

1. Opening - Orientation, Information

  • Overview of P2PU and peer learning
  • Introductions of co-facilitators, participants
  • Refine course structure, topics, assignments
  • Call for additional resources and additions to syllabus


2. Discuss Topic 1 (co-facilitators)

  • Basic/Remedial/Developmental English: what are the necessary core competencies?
    • Reading Comprehension
    • English Language Fundamentals
    • Writing/Composition
    • Learning Skills for 21st century Learners
    • Study Skills for College Success


3. Discuss Topics 2 (co-facilitators)

  • Emergent Practices and Redesign projects: What is working for dev students?
    • Integrated
    • Accelerated
    • Concurrent enrollment
    • Contextualization
    • Project-Based
    • Technology assisted
    • Common Core articulation to Placement Exams
    • Authentic Assessment
    • Open Learning Resources


Possible Follow on Projects:

  • Rapid Prototyping - Curriculum Hackathon
    • Design new curriculum proposals
    • Contribute lesson suggestions, outlines, open resources
    • Peer review and additions, augmentations, adaptations
    • Design multiple assessment approaches
  • Publish results - open access, creative commons, attribution of all co-facilitators
  • Conference presentations
  • F2F meet up (if funding is available)