Task Navigation
- 1. Your invitation to change the face of education
- 2. Register a team for the Reinventing School Challenge
- 3. Gather resources & tools
- 4. Download the app - Android/iPhone
- 5. Create an edmodo account
- 6. Create a Socrative/Poll Everywhere account
- 7. Create a Skype for the Classroom account
- 8. Create a Prezi account
- 9. Research the Partnership for 21st Century Skills Framework
- 10. Form your team(s)
- 11. Watch inspirational video playlist
- 12. Host a community meeting (optional)
- 13. Design Thinking for Educators
- 14. Empathy - Step 1
- 15. Futurecast/Visualise - Step 2
- 16. What's going on/Needfinding - Step 3
- 17. Point of View/Define - Step 4
- 18. Ideate/Brainstorm - Step 5
- 19. Prototype & Test - Step 6
- 20. Present/Reflect/Share - Step 7
Host a community meeting (optional)