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Activity Wall

    posted message: Greetings from Indianapolis! This morning's issue of Inside Higher Education has a very interesting article on an arrangement between Coursera and Antioch University to offer MOOCs for credit (http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2012/10/29/coursera-strikes-mooc-licensing-deal-antioch-university). What I like about this model is that assigning and role of a faculty adviser (more like an independent study supervisor): "As part of the arrangement, the students are paired with an Antioch faculty member who will serve as a sort of independent study adviser, discussing the material regularly and assigning some supplemental work."
    posted message: Dear all, I'd like to transfer the moderation of this group to someone else as I am no longer at Parkside. If you are interested and willing to take this on, please contact me at terrymbrown1@me.com. Thank you for all your work and good conversation on the FDO. Here's a quote for the day from Jeffrey Sellingo who writes for the Chronicle: "The only really necessary people in the education process now are the professor and the student." Something to think about....
    posted message: Interesting news about competency-based education, including preview for a statement from DOE: http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2012/10/01/competency-based-education-may-get-boost
    posted message: The National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment will be holding a webinar on Oct. 5 on assessment and the Degree Qualifications Profile. I believe it is free. If you are interested in the webinar, please go to this website for more information: http://www.learningoutcomesassessment.org/
    posted message: Dear all, I just want to remind you that Dr. Aaron Brower, Interim Provost for UW Extension, and Dr. Rebecca Karoff, UWSA Academic Planner, will be joining our group for a discussion on Monday.
    posted message: Dear FDO group, Thank you for a great discussion today regarding Lumina's degree qualifications profile and its applications to the flexible degree option. As a reminder, we will not be meeting on September 4, but we have three meetings scheduled for the following weeks in September.
    posted message: Hi, I saw this article today and thought the issues are apropos for our discussion about the flexible degree. See below: http://chronicle.com/blogs/conversation/2012/08/23/the-mooc-led-meritocracy/?cid=pm&utm_source=pm&utm_medium=en Kim
    posted message: An interesting article that Daphne Pham found: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/21/education/mechanical-mooc-to-rely-on-free-learning-sites.html?_r=1 It sounds like the mechanical MOOC is following some of the same premises as the Flexible degree program, with an innovative way to provide support to students to help them complete the course.
    posted message: Reminder: We are meeting tomorrow with David Schejbal, Dean, UW Extension, and Greg Lampe, Provost, UW Colleges, to discuss the Flexible Degree Option. I have suggested the following agenda: 1. Introductions and context—Terry Brown 2. Updates on the degree development process—David Schejbal 3. The role of the UW Colleges—Greg Lampe 4. Q & A discussion regarding the proposed degree
    posted message: A couple of weeks ago I attended a meeting of the System Advisory Group for the Liberal Arts where the main topic of conversation was the flexible degree. I'm including some of my notes. Kevin Reilly, Ray Cross, and Mark Nook as well as Debra Humphreys (AAC&U) were at the meeting. They all emphasized the importance of a liberal arts education, highlighting this as an integrative experience. The System shared learning goals were expected to be a part of any flexible degree program. Reilly was interested in a mini-conference that would involve talking with business leaders. Also, developing discipline teams to look into how to develop a flexible degree program was discussed (the consortial nursing program was mentioned as an example).
    posted message: I came across this article today that describes the challenges of plagiarism in Coursera's courses (MOOC): http://chronicle.com/article/Dozens-of-Plagiarism-Incidents/133697/
    posted message: FYI, article on the relationship between holding a college degree and employment: http://chronicle.com/blogs/headcount/in-economic-storm-a-college-degree-is-still-the-best-umbrella/31187?cid=at&utm_source=at&utm_medium=en
    posted message: An interesting article on MOOC's and credentialing from 'Inside Higher Ed': http://www.insidehighered.com/views/2012/08/09/real-economics-massive-online-courses-essay As a quick summary, the article addresses the dilemma of 'elite' institutions in offering MOOC's and the 'need' for credentialing to be economically viable while still trying to maintain 'quality control' over learning. There are some references to the use of prior learning assessment as one way to address this issue.
    posted message: I've mentioned the Lumina Foundation's Degree Qualifications Profile before and its possible relevance to a flexible degree program. There is a booklet published by the Lumina Foundation on the DQP. The Provost's office has ordered a few copies of these booklets and they are now in. You can either drop by Julie Lee's desk to pick up a copy or contact Julie to ask for one to be sent to you. (FYI, you can also read the booklet online: http://www.luminafoundation.org/publications/The_Degree_Qualifications_Profile.pdf).
    posted message: Thank you for a very good discussion today about the CAEL report. I am sorry that we did not have more time to continue the discussion of the point raised by Megan about "teaching presence." I am sure we will continue this in future meetings. Thanks for your participation.
    posted message: The issue of the student credit hour must be addressed as we discuss the Flexible Degree Option. Here's a review of a book on the student credit hour (yes, a whole book), published in 2003 by two leaders in higher education research, Tom Ehrlich and Jane Wellman. http://www2.aacrao.org/sem/index.cfm?fa=view&id=2321
    posted message: Please remember to read the CAEL report on competency-based degree programs in the U.S. under task 6.
    posted message: ISO 9000 Information. Here is some links about the ISO 9000 standard I mentioned in our last meeting. ISO 9000 Quality Standards Explained from the International Standards Organization video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oq1Zi_V4KyE NIST (National Institute for Standards and Technology) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCLmQ6ROw7s Baldrige Award (quality) in Education http://www.nist.gov/baldrige/enter/education.cfm Examples of Applying Baldrige in Public Schools http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijl8O4F-NTM&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCUDQDyIr5I&feature=relmfu Comments from educators on the Baldrige Award competition http://www.nist.gov/baldrige/enter/testimonials_ed.cfm Tom
    posted message: Sorry, this is off-mission but I a have a question for you all. What will education look like 25 - 50 - 75 years from now? What will be the overall scheme from early years to senior years? What paths will be available? Will the continuum range from pure classroom/campus to pure cloud? Will education be a lifelong opportunity (requirement?) and a necessity to contribute to society. We're all learning about what we need to know for tomorrow and part of that is defining tomorrow's education. Thoughts?
    posted message: Op-Ed in NY Times yesterday (Excuse me if this was already post and I missed the posting) "The Trouble With Online Education" http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/20/opinion/the-trouble-with-online-education.html?_r=1&ref=global