This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Review other resources and imagine yours.

A core principle of the National Writing Project is to take an inquiry approach to teaching and learning and Digital Is encourages a similar approach.

A core principle of the National Writing Project is to take an inquiry approach to teaching and learning. NWP Digital Is therefore encourages resources that similiarly take an inquiry stance toward teaching by leading with questions and sharing the theory of action behind the work along with invitations for reflection and response.

This task then is meant to support you in beginning to surface an inquiry question or related questions around your work. We will start by first encouraging you to look at a few examples of inquiry published by teachers in the Digital Is website.

Crossing Mediums, Backwards: from Essay to Video by Larissa Pahomov

How do I teach what I do not know? by Janelle Bence

Social Media as a Tool for Peer Collaboration with Elementary Students: A Teacher Inquiry Project by Christopher Working

Online Literacy and Communities of Practice by Peter Kittle

Wanna See a Movie? by Lacy Manship

In reviewing these resource, we ask you to consider these questions:

  • What passion and inquiry do you notice?
  • In what ways does this passion and/or inquiry impact the work as a resource?
  • What ideas does it generate about a resource you might make?
  • What questions does it raise for you?

You are welcome to share your thoughts here or respond to the authors directly at NWP Digital Is.

Task Discussion