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Time for a test. Let us see how much you can remember [Dec. 3, 2011, 10:01 a.m.]

Types of bullying

Give an example of verbal bullying.
Give an example of physical bullying.
Give an example of gesture bullying.
Give an example of how bullying can effect a victim.
Give an example of how bullying can effect an organisation.
Give an example of how a victim can deal with bullying behaviour.

Now check your answers by going to the following website:


Types of Bullying
Verbal Bullying
* Slandering, ridiculing or maligning an employee or his/her family * Persistent name calling which is hurtful, insulting or humiliating * Using a person as butt of jokes * Abusive and offensive slagging
Physical Bullying
* Pushing, shoving, kicking, poking, tripping people up. * Assaults or threats of physical assaults. * Damage to a person’s work area or property.
Gesture Bullying
Non verbal threatening gestures, glances which can convey threatening and frightening messages.
Socially or physically excluding or disregarding an employee or colleague.
The deliberate extraction of money or other items of property accompanied by threats.

What Forms Can Bullying Take?
The forms that bullying can take, can include : work bully
* Persistent picking on individuals * Shouting at staff in public and/or private * Personal insults and use of offensive nicknames * Public humiliations in any form * Constant criticism of trivial matters * Repeatedly accusing staff of errors which have not been made * Deliberately interfering with post and other communiques * Spreading unfounded malicious rumours * Encouraging other staff to disregard another staff member's orders * Ignoring/ cutting out an individual at meetings, giving deliberately ambiguous instructions, then setting objectives with impossible deadlines. * Inflicting menial tasks * Taking credit for another's ideas * Refusing reasonable requests for leave * Blocking a persons promotion

Effects on the organisation
The tell tale signs of workplace bullying in any organised setting include:
* Reduced efficiency * Reduced quality and quality control * Low morale among staff * Atmosphere of tension * High rates of absenteeism * Drop in productivity and profits * Depression * Increase in cases taken to court
Dealing with Bullying at Work
If you feel you are being bullied there are a number of steps that you can take to deal with it
* Do not blame yourself. The fault lies with the "Bully". * Keep calm under verbal attack, respond quietly and coherently. * Do not hide the fact that you are being bullied. Ask colleagues if they have the same problem. It helps if you can take joint action. * Keep a written record of all the things said and done to you. Write down your own feelings as well as dates, times, circumstances and any witnesses. * Confront the bully and tell them to stop. This has proven to be the most effective way of countering the problem. (However, this can be difficult as people who bully tend to deny their actions. They may also counter attack, accusing you of harassing them or they may play victim.) * Write a letter or memo to the "bully" if you are unable to confront him or her. Keep copies of all correspondence. * Speak to someone in higher authority whom you trust and ask for help. * Request a trained 3rd party, mediator. * Contact your trade union representative, if you have one * Enquire about the company’s code of conduct and policy on bullying. * If all efforts fail consider taking legal action.