posted message: Hello everyone!

Happy Wednesday morning. :)

I see 55 final projects submitted to the final project list here:

Reminder: Assessment gets underway **today**. If you have not submitted your final project yet -- not just to the P2PU task, but into the Wufoo form -- you should do so ASAP this morning.

If we get underway with assessment and your final project isn't in that list, your project won't get reviewed. :( That would be very sad!

Thanks to everyone who's submitted already. :)

-- The Management
posted message: Hi Everyone,

Happy Monday.

Just a reminder that there's NO LECTURE TODAY. ;)

Why? Well, because you should be well on your way to completing & submitting your final project.

To meet our deadline to get invitations for the next phase out on time, we need to start reviewing & assessing the final projects ASAP, so please be sure to have yours submitted by the end of the day today.

Many proposals have already been submitted. You can find them here:

Good luck today! Onward.

-- The Management
posted message: Hi folks! It's home run time. :)

After I grab another coffee and polish off a blog post, I'll be responding to direct messages that came in on Friday and over the weekend.

We'll also be sending out a #MozNewsLab survey later today, or tomorrow morning, so keep your eyes out for that.

Many thanks to those that have already submitted their projects.

To the rest of you: Good luck today. Keen to see your final projects.

-- The Management
posted message: LinkedIn Group (if you happen to be on LinkedIn):

If there are other services (I think someone was keeping a Google+ list, etc.), please post them! :)

-- The Management
posted message: Just a quick reminder, as I've received many e-mails / direct messages about it already: if you need the weekend to finish your final project -- that's aok -- you can submit it on Monday. No later! :)
posted message: Part II -- the Q&A -- is up now also:
posted message: Uploaded! Yesterday's mind-blowing @JefJarvis talk for #MozNewzLab (Part 1 of 2). Enjoy. :)
posted message: Hello! Just a quick note on timing for the final project (I've been asking this a couple times, so I thought I would just send out a quick answer to everyone): the final project is due on Friday _but_ we are giving everyone an automatic exertion until Monday at 5PM Pacific. If you're finished on Friday, great. If you need the weekend, take it. **If you need an extension beyond the Monday, please get in touch with Jacob, Alex, or yours truly _before_ the end of the week to discuss.**
posted message: Apologies for the Activity Wall spam, folks. Seems that when I move a task up to the top-3 list above, it posts a note to the wall each time I move it up one position in the larger list on the left. Ug!
posted message: A little extra-credit homework for you today:

We're sending out a survey on August 8th to the #MozNewsLab participants. We want your suggestions.

What would you want to ask your fellow participants?

Add your suggestions to the Etherpad before next Tuesday, August 2nd, for a chance to win, well, our admiration & appreciation! :)

-- The Management
posted message: Just a quick note to amplify this offer from Saleem Khan (
TORONTO News Labbers: I noticed a few of us are in the same city, so I've secured a workspace near Queen and Spadina for this Saturday, July 30, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., where we can collaborate face-to-face. Please let me know if you're interested and I'll forward details later tonight or tomorrow.

Respond here:
posted message: Quick update on the problem that some of you are experiencing when trying to reply to a comment on a task. The P2PU development team is looking into this and will get back to us shortly with an update.
That is all. :)
-- The Management.
posted message: Just a quick reminder if you're attending today's lecture:
When signing into chat room:
+ Use first name and last initial only (e.g., Jacob C.) No pseudonyms please.
+ If you are an auditor, use a "#" symbol before your name
+ If you are calling in, *important* that you direct message Jacob in P2PU to let us know you attended (and, if possible, include the number you called-in from)
+ Please don't change your name during the session. Thanks! -- The Management.
posted message: Just some quick video links to get your synapses popping for tomorrow's lecture with Jesse James Garrett -- the 'Father of AJAX' and author of The Elements of User Experience:
Jesse's iWitness presentation as a Knight News Challenge winner:
Great panel with Jesse at at UX Week event where he discusses Adaptive Path's collaboration with Mozilla Labs on the future of the browser:

I hope you're as excited as I am for tomorrow's lecture. It's going to be great. :)
-- Phillip.
posted message: A note from Fred of Big Blue Button on OSX Lion compatibility: After a user updates to Mac OS 1.07 (Lion), they will encounter is a Flash player problem that will prevent them from joining the audio bridge in BigBlueButton (there is a temporary workaround below). We've posted a description of it in our forums:
posted message: Just a reminder that if you have questions about the final assignment -- your 'software product proposal' that is due on August 5th -- please drop by the #p2pu-166-knight-moz IRC / chat channel around noon eastern today (one hour before today's lecture). I'll be idling in the chat channel and I am happy to answer question about the final project. Phillip.
posted message:

Some quick morning shares to get you thinking:

I've made a 10-minute edit of a video ( ) where Aza demonstrates how to build a prototype using just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It's worth watching, as it will explain a bit of the screen sharing that Aza was doing on the lecture (which wasn't recorded).

I also really enjoyed this video of Aza explaining Firefox Ubiquity ( ) and it got me thinking about the question "What would a 'Ubiquity for news' look like?"

Perhaps you know the answer? ;)


posted message: For those that asked for a calendar of lectures and other important #MozNewsLab dates that can be subscribed to, you can now find one at the following locations:
HTML version
iCal version
XML version
Alex & I will be keeping this calendar updated with any updates / changes.
posted message: Just a couple of quick notes this morning: Try to finish up the first assignment (posting an introduction) today if you can. Please watch the recording of Lecture No. 1 w/ Aza if you missed it yesterday Keep your eyes out for information on tomorrow's lecture with Burt Herman of Storify. It will be sent tomorrow morning with a new access code. Please message me or Jacob directly if you're not receiving these lecture reminders. One other note: A few people have asked where to post questions relating to the lectures. We'd like to propose that you post them as a comment on the lecture 'Task' specific to that lecture.
That's it for this morning. Over and out! :)
posted message: Recording of Lecture No. 1 with Aza Raskin is now online. Firefox and Chrome playback only for the moment and it will take a minute or so for the slides to fully load. Let us know how the recording works for you.
