This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Full Description [Aug. 18, 2011, 11:39 a.m.]




CSS Bliss and Beyond is a means to be creative in a disposable medium. A place where research can be free and expressive with involvement from the open community for feedback and enhancements. The end goal is to have this as a running course that is updated frequently staying in line with current CSS news and teachings. Let this repository of wonderful information be the guiding light for CSS enthusiasts and Ninja's alike.


  • -Easy To Follow Sample Codes,
  • -Dissection of actual CSS spec jargon
  • -Inheritance and the importance
  • -CSS selectors
  • -Helpful resources when you are in a jam
  • -Tricks and hints from the pros
  • -Best practices to ensure you are using progressive enhancement with your CSS
  • -My CSS is done now what?
  • -HTML5 Boilerplate and CSS
  • -Media Queries and Liquid Layouts
  • -CSS positioning myths exploded
  • -CSS as a behaviour language


  My Role is not only as an ongoing partcipant, but an organizer and creator as well. We are all here to help, but always feel free to contact me with any questions through my P2PU feed(gray ghost visuals).
  CSS Zen Garden started it all for me and from there it all went all uphill as they say. I am a gigantic fan of CSS wranglers such as Andy Clarke, Eric Meyer, Dan Cederholm, Ethan Marcotte, Jeremy Kieth, Aaron Gustafson and many more.
  I hope by bringing this course to P2PU I can povide a safe haven to share and explain even common mistakes and even tough to solve solutions for those wishing to take their CSS prowess to the next level. I am neither an expert nor a novice, but I would consider myself a strong CSS author who has deciphered CSS 2.1 specs without falling asleep. Graphic Design and photography has been my forte and CSS has provided me with a medium that breathes life without being written in stone. The beauty of Web Design is that it can always be changed and altered.

Include any prerequisite knowledge or skills needed to participate in the , the intended start date, estimated pace, commitment, amount of work, and the length of time the participants can expect to work together (a few days, a few weeks, or forever).

Provided any other information that could be useful for people interested in joining the . In what ways can participants expect to contribute to the creation of tasks and assessing each others\' contributions? What will the final task comprise?