This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Digital storytelling [Jan. 30, 2013, 1:37 p.m.]

Digital storytelling is a way to use digital media -- like photos, audio, video, writing, or drawing -- to make a story. It can be very simple or more elaborate.

What to do:

  • Choose one of the projects below.
  • If you'd like to collaborate with someone else on a project, post a comment asking for collaborators.
  • When you're done with the project, post a comment with a link to your work. (This can be a link to YouTube, Flickr, Google Docs, or your web site, or you can post your work here.)


Small projects
(new projects will be added each week)

  • The Daily Create (This is a daily challenge to create short, easy digital stories. It changes every day. Sometimes they are photos; other times they are videos, drawings, or written. If you post something, add a link here so we can see it.)
  • Take a photo out the front door of your house. Post it here and write a very short story about it.
  • Write a 25 word story. (more info here)

Add to this list! What digital storytelling ideas do you have?

Bigger projects


Bonus: If you have an idea for your own digital storytelling challenge, post it here!