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Post your questions about the Flexible Degree Option here. [July 11, 2012, 12:22 p.m.]

We know that learning begins with asking the right questions, not answers. Let's begin this expedition by gathering all the questions that we have about this new territory we are exploring.  Here are twenty questions to get us started.  Please post your questions as a comment below.

  1. Whose idea is the UW System Flexible Degree Option?
  2. What are the forces behind this idea?
  3. What is the problem for which this might be a solution?
  4. What exactly is a "flexible" degree?
  5. What is a "competency-based degree"?
  6. What universities or colleges are currently offering flexible degrees?  Competency-based degrees?
  7. What will it take in faculty and staff time to create a flexible degree?
  8. How will we ensure that the degree is high quality and highly valued?
  9. What special expertise do we need that we don't currently have to create this degree?
  10. How will faculty be compensated and rewarded for their work on the degree? 
  11. What professional development and support will be required for faculty and staff who work on this degree?
  12. Will students be given credit for "life experience"? 
  13. How will students' knowledge and skills be evaluated?
  14. Will the flexible degree option affect our accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission?
  15. In which disciplines will we offer the flexible degree?
  16. Can any academic department participate?
  17. What is the timeline for creating and offering this degree?
  18. What is the role of the University of Wisconsin Extension in the flexible degree option?
  19. How does the Flexible Degree Option align with UW Parkside's academic plan and priorities?
  20. What is the role of shared governance in the decision-making process?