Week 6: Collaborate and create - April 22

This week the virtual meetup will consist of "office hours" for questions/help conducted via this etherpad with chat enabled: http://pad.p2pu.org/p/cc4k12. Office hours are on Thursday, April 18 between 3:00-4:00pm US Pacific time/UTC-7 (convert to your timezone here). If there is enough demand, we can share Google emails and do a hangout.

Topics for discussion during office hours

  1. Share final published remixes with each other. What CC license did you choose and why? Why did you choose this particular platform?
  2. How far have you gotten on your resource about Creative Commons? What challenges are you, your group, or students running into?

Your mission for the week:

(due Sunday, April 28)

  • Continue working on your resource about Creative Commons. When you're done, publish it online (under a CC license, of course).
  • Blog about the experience. Don't forget to link to the publication!

Additional resources:

  • You might show your class this video of a 7th grade classroom interviewing CC founder Lawrence Lessig


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