Communicating in this course

Weekly virtual meetups

I will host a weekly virtual meetup where we will go over the "Discussion" agenda detailed on that week's page. Each meetup will consist of some combination of presentation of background material, Q&A, and discussion. All meetups will be recorded and posted at the cc4k12 blog (see below), so don't worry if you miss one!

The first meetup will take place the week of March 18, time and date TBD based on a Doodle poll of everybody's schedules. We will also decide as a group our preference for Blackboard Collaborate, Google+ Hangouts, or a conference call line + SlideShare/etherpad.

Discussion forum

Note that there is a comments section for each week that runs on Disqus. Please use the Disqus forum to ask questions, post reactions, and generally connect with your peers.

cc4k12 blog

The cc4k12 blog is where we will share our completed mission for the week. Missions vary from week to week, and can be anything from a blog post to the sharing of an educational or creative work, eg. a remixed photo. The cc4k12 blog runs on Wordpress. If you don't have a Wordpress account, please create one to participate in this course. I will invite all course participants to contribute to the blog as authors once the course starts.

Social media (optional)

We live in times where information is instantly relayed, in large part thanks to social media. I wouldn't want us to miss out on the benefits of this communication, especially as we seek support from our peers during our teaching day. I have created the @cc4k12 Twitter account for you to follow for the duration of this course, and a Twitter list for course participants. I will add all Twitter handles shared during the first week of the course to this list so that everyone can follow each other. I also encourage you to use the hashtag #cc4k12.

Google group reminders (optional)

The current P2PU course platform doesn't let facilitators send out course-wide announcements, so as a hack around this I have created the cc4k12 Google group. If you would like to receive weekly reminders regarding course assignments and logistics, join this group at For those of you who don't want additional email, all announcements to this group will be cross-posted to the Disqus forum under each week of the course (it will just require diligence on your part to check it).


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