This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Readings on Peer Learning


Add resources here! Any interesting papers you come across related to peer learning, open education, motivation, reward, recognition, incentives, online environments, tools, community development, etc.....

Putting a paper here doesn't mean you promise it's interesting or that we have to read it. It's just a place to keep a list of items that pique your interest and a place to get ideas for choosing readings. As we go through and actually read some of them, we'll hopefully get a cool reading list emerge that others can use, extend, fork, whatever. 

Also note that we don't all have to read exactly the same papers -  some weeks we might have two papers that appeal to different subsets of the group, for example maybe some people are into a community formation paper and others want to read an evaluation paper. All good.  

Please include:

Title, authors, publication venue and year, with a link to the paper if at all possible. 

Also include your name so we know who proposed each paper. (The proposer doesn't necessarily have to be the "owner" of a paper when we read it, but that would probably be the default). 

Reading List - Ideas

Resnick. All I Really Need to Know (About Creative Thinking) I Learned (By Studying How Children Learn) in Kindergarten. Creativity & Cognition conference, 2007. [Jessy]

Yochai Benkler, (2006). The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom. New Haven: Yale University Press. ISBN 0300110561. link

C. Yang, Y.-S. Chang, Assessing the effects of interactive blogging on student attitudes towards peer interaction, learning motivation, and academic achievements, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, June 2011. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2011.00423.x  (Wiley site, PDF) [Jessy]

Are Online Learners Frustrated with Collaborative Learning Experiences? IRRODL Link (This paper analyzes reasons for frustration in collaborative online learning) [Who?]

Two papers on Lurking: Why Lurkers Lurk (Nonnecke, B., & Preece, J. (2001). Why lurkers lurk. Americas Conference on Information Systems 2001), and Online Lurkers Tell Why (Proceedings of the Tenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New York, New York, August 2004).

(add yours here)

Past Papers

Goggins, Laffey & Gallagher. Completely online group formation and development: small groups as socio-technical systems. Information Technology and People, 2011. [Jessy]

Bielaczyc, K., Collins, A., O’Donnell, A., Hmelo-Silver, C., & Erkens, G. (2006). Fostering knowledge-creating communities. Collaborative learning, reasoning, and technology, 37–60. Lawrence Erlbaum.

Kapur, M., & Bielaczyc, K. (2012). Designing for Productive Failure. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 21(1), 45-83. doi:10.1080/10508406.2011.591717 (Crocodoc, can also download)

Fischer, G. (2011). Understanding, fostering, and supporting cultures of participation. interactions, 18(3), 42-53. [Vanessa]

Kirschner, P. A., Sweller, J., & Clark, R. E. (2006). Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work: An Analysis of the Failure of Constructivist, Discovery, Problem-Based, Experiential, and Inquiry-Based Teaching. Educational Psychologist, 41(2), 75-86. doi:10.1207/s15326985ep4102_1 (download, or Crocodoc)

Minds on Fire - The classic by John Seely Browne and Richard P Adler [Philipp]

Task Discussion

  • Jennifer Claro   May 15, 2012, 4:21 p.m.

    HI there,

    Just thought I’d post what I’m reading these days and see if anyone is into discussing it (now or later on).

    The question of “Where is the locus of cognition?” has been with us for a while, with cognitive constructivists/scientists saying it’s in the mind of the individual and sociocultural constructivists saying it’s in society. There is no cohesive theory I have read yet that explains how we think and learn in more and less independent ways.

    I’m very interested in this whole area of research and topics like distributed cognition, group cognition (is there such a thing? Is it different from more independent ways of thinking and learning?), cognitive science, the “extended mind”, etc. I’m also very interested in answering the question of “When is knowledge emergent?”

    I’ve listed some papers I’ve read recently, and some I plan to read. It’s a very brief list (actually I have a stack of papers beside me, waiting to be read), I’d be happy to discuss any of them (or any papers on the above topics) with anyone who is interested. I found the first two below fantastic (Goldstone & Gureckis, 2009; Gureckis & Goldstone, 2006).



    Here are some papers I have read recently:

    Goldstone, R. L. & Gureckis, T. M. (2009). Collective behavior. Topics in Cognitive Science, 1, 412-438.

    Gureckis, T.M., & Goldstone, R.L. (2006). Thinking in groups. Pragmatics and Cognition, 14, 293-311

    Hutchins, E. (1991). The social organization of distributed cognition. In

    L. B.Resnick , J. M. Levine & S.D. Teasley (Eds.), Perspectives on Socially Shared Cognition. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

    (Note: I plan to read several articles in Perspectives on Socially Shared Cognition, above, including “Situating learning in communities of practice” by Jean Lave, “A sociocultural approach to socially shared cognition” by James V. Wertsch, “Problems in direction in socially shared cognition” by William Damon, and possibly others.)

    Theiner, G, Allen, C., & Goldstone, R. L. (2010). Recognizing group cognition. Cognitive Systems Research, 11, 378-395.

    I’m going to read:

    Hutchins (1995) - How a Cockpit Remembers Its Speeds. Cognitive Science 19, 265-288.

    Distributed Cognitions: Psychological and Educational Considerations. Gavriel Salomon (Ed.), Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993. (Review at

    Hutchins, E. (1995). Cognition in the wild. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 

  • Jessy Kate Schingler   May 18, 2012, 8:16 p.m.
    In Reply To:   Jennifer Claro   May 15, 2012, 4:21 p.m.

    hey jennifer,

    i would be interested in reading one or two of these that you felt were good papers. i dont know much about the area so it's hard for me to vote or suggest which ones, but if one or more stood out then let's put it on our list!