This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Development Sprint


Lets make sure that the P2PU HTML5 course covers most of the HTML related aspects of the following courses:
Learning Objectives
Creating a list of observable learning objectives for each task in the course. Use the ObjectivesBuilder as necessary
  • Create a bulleted list of three or more items
  • Create a numbered list of three or more items
  • Create a table with two rows and three columns
  • Insert a picture into an HTML document
  • Create a document with a section taag
  • Articulate the difference between the <div> tag and a <p> tag
  • Articulate the difference between a <div> tag and a <section> tag
  • Create an HTML page with an embedded video element
  • Create an HTML page with an embedded audio element
Topic Development
List topics here that have not been covered
Topic Improvement
List suggestions here for topic improvement

Task Discussion