1. Why Openness in Education?

The short answer to this question is that education is sharing. The following video expands on this idea and gives a very brief overview of some of the topics covered in this course.

David Wiley introduces the idea of "open education" at TEDxNYED.

After watching the video, spend some time exploring these additional resources:

Activities for "Why Openness in Education?"

Think back to a time when you learned something you really value from someone. Write a blog post in which you tell the story of that learning experience using the language of sharing instead of the language of education. What did the other person share with you? What did you share back with them? How many times did you iterate through this cycle of sharing? How was your relationship with the other person transformed (if at all) as you shared with them?

If you prefer talking to writing, fire up your webcam and create a YouTube video in which you answer the same questions. Then make a blog post with your YouTube video embedded.

Remember - to submit (aka share) your work all you have to do is publish your blog post and leave a comment pointing to it below!


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