Week 7: Share your resource about CC - September 16
Before your small group meeting, share your collaborative resource about CC with your students.
For discussion in your small group
- How did your resource go over with your students? Share your students' reactions with each other.
- Based on your students' reactions, what could be improved about your resource?
- How was remotely collaborating to develop a resource together? What issues did you run into?
Your final task:
(due Sunday, September 22)
- Test your resource with more students, colleagues, or friends. Do they now have a better understanding of Creative Commons?
- Share final reflections on your blog* or the cc4k12 blog, either about the course as a whole or about your students' reactions.
- Optional: Continue your contribution to an international research project; take the closing survey to give feedback on your learning experience and help us improve the course: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CC_K12_Feedback
- Optional: Apply for the 'Course Completion' badge below.
*Remember to post a link to your blog post below if you are using your own blog.
Apply for this badge by submitting a link to your final group project and reflection.