What you will need
In order to follow the course with success you will need the components that we are going to list below. It’s important that you try to get all or some of them before starting the course, because not having them can be an impediment to move forward in the lessons.
You can also visit a nearby makerspace as it is likely that they have most or all of the required material.
For your convenience we have added some links of online stores where you can buy each item :)
- Arduino Leonardo Board* // www.arduino.cc -- Sparkfun: DEV-11286 -- Cookinghacks -- Ro-botica Ref. 2602
- 2x XBee 2mW Wire (or PCB) Antenna - Series 2 (ZigBee Mesh) // Sparkfun: WRL-10414 -- Cookinghacks -- Ro-botica Ref. 2644
- 2x XBee USB Adapters
- 2x XBee breakout boards
- 2x Breadboards // Sparkfun: PRT-12615 -- Cookinghacks
- Jumper wires // Sparkfun: DEV-11286 -- Cookinghacks
*Note: Instead of the Arduino Leonardo you can use any other Arduino board you already have (UNO, Mega2560,...) Just make sure you have the USB cable needed for the type of connector that uses that model!
*Note: The following list is an example of the most basic components and sensors that we will use in the course. If you want to go further and do more incredible projects you can include other components that are not listed here:
- Some colored LED's // Sparkfun: COM-12062 -- Cookinghacks
- A pushbutton // Sparkfun: COM-09190 -- Cookinghacks
- A buzzer // Sparkfun: COM-07950 -- Cookinghacks
- Some resistors // Sparkfun: COM-10969 -- Cookinghacks
- LDR photoresistor // Sparkfun: SEN-09088 -- Cookinghacks
- LM35DZ temperature sensor //
- DHT11 or DHT22 temperature & humidity sensor // Sparkfun: SEN-10167 -- Cookinghacks
- A computer to program the Arduino and the XBee's
- A Micro-USB cable (for Arduino Leonardo)
- Two Mini-USB cables (for XBee Explorers)
- Soldering equipment
Activity: Suggest a new component that would be useful for the course and explain why. Alternatively, tell us a good place to buy components.