Anyone can follow a course on P2PU. Participating is the next level of engagement. The sign-up is a space where interested individuals can express their interest and background in the topic and commit to working with the rest of the participants. Please answer the following set(s) of questions if you want to become a participant or organizer.
Standard Set
This set of signup questions is common to all study groups, courses, ... in P2PU. The answers to these questions will be public once you get accepted.
- What made you interested in this topic?
- What do you hope to achieve by participating?
- Are you interested in helping with the course organization?
Between Participants Custom Set
This set of signup questions is particular to this course. The answers to these questions will be visible to all participants once you get accepted.
Are you a native speaker of English?
Do you know any other languages?
Have you ever helped someone else learn a language before? (Teacher, language partner, parent, friend, etc)
March 22, 2013, 5:50 a.m.
I have been teaching for 17 years and am currently HOD of ESOL at my school. Teaching is something that is always evolving - an art really... There is no time to get bored - too much to do and learn - and this is what I love about it!
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Standard Set Answer:
Using ICT to learn languages has always interested me it morphs my previous teaching subject of computering with ESOL which I now teach.
I hope to develop some ICT strategies to assist my students learn English in an engaging and effective way.
Alessandra Cantalogo
Dec. 3, 2012, 12:24 a.m.
Entre neste canal e conheça um pouco mais de meus trabalhos.
Location: Brasil
Standard Set Answer:
Sou fisioterapeuta especializada em Promoção da Saúde e Prevenção de doenças. Trablho com a educação lúdica e o meu interesse neste tema é a associação da tecnologia da informação à transmissão de conhecimento ao público.
Espero conhecer novas pessoas, aprender e compartilhar informações e conhecimentos.
Tenho muito interesse em participar com a organização do curso colaborando com os meus conhecimentos.
Nov. 29, 2012, 9:25 p.m.
My native tongue is English and I teach elementary level French. Teaching and learning languages is of great interest to me. I think this field is changing dramatically.
Location: Canada
Standard Set Answer:
Hi my name is Tam.
I am interested in languages. I hope to expand my language experience, as well as becoming more tech savvy. I am interested in participating.
Roy T O
Nov. 10, 2012, 6:08 a.m.
SEO Content Writer, Work with HLG companies..Looking Forward
Location: India
Standard Set Answer:
The helping mentality of the crew, Be professional writer,yes
Heiko Idensen
Nov. 8, 2012, 4:11 p.m.
I work in different spheres of action as a teacher, trainer, e-moderator and online-coach:
• research assistant for network culture and academic writing
• trainer in vocational preparation (IT, Office Tools)
• organization of school and job-related education projects
• integration of Social Media applications in the professional and academic training
• development + curation of online-Courses (E-Moderating according to Gilly Salmon, Community Management, Creative Writing and Writing with / trough / under / about Social Media
… I studied German Literature & Psychology, I was acting and performing political Theatre, I have hold visiting professorships on Art Colleges, I tried to be a Teacher in German Language and Art (failed!) and am now engaged in Social Learning and Social Writing.
Poetry must be made by all and not by one!
#curation, #hyperfiction, #Elearning, #Coach, #educhat, #SocialMedia, #writing
Deutsch / German: Kurzbio
Heiko Idensen, Lernbegleiter, Ausbildungscoach, Social-Media Learning, E-Moderator. Entwicklung und Kuratieren von Online-Kursen und Social Media Lern-Plattformen für akademische und berufliche Ausbildung, kreatives und wissenschaftliches Schreiben ...!/web2write
Location: Hannover
Standard Set Answer:
I am very interested in new forms of reading and writing in Social Networks.
I hope I can share my expiriences with collaborative writing environmens.
Because I am rather new inP2PU I am not able to help with organisation ofe the ourse right now :-(
Oct. 23, 2012, 5:21 p.m.
Location: peru
Standard Set Answer:
Me gusta el idioma inglés por ello decidi por inscribirme a este curso, con el fin de poder aprender más y poder practicarlo en mi vida profesional.
sindy perea
Oct. 18, 2012, 11:45 a.m.
Soy muy alegre, me encanta aprender, y conocer gente y culturas nuevas
Location: lima
Standard Set Answer:
Me intereza aprender el idioma ingles pues es el mas usado en los negocios ,
Espero lograr un aprendisaje integral
Oct. 17, 2012, 6:52 a.m.
Location: Ghana Accra
Standard Set Answer:
I grew up with a mind of solving problems and what i can do to help is to program something to help someone.. that made me more interested in this topic
To achieve greater skills
Yes i will help
Oct. 16, 2012, 1:57 p.m.
I am from SJTU, Shanghai, China
Location: Shanghai
Standard Set Answer:
Acutually, I don't know what is going on here!
Syed Shahzeb
Oct. 15, 2012, 2:34 a.m.
Assalam o Alikum,
I am Syed shahzeb, studied in Govt. Gordon College Rawalpindi.
Location: Rawalpindi Pakistan
Standard Set Answer:
1. I wana be a advance in my profession.
2. I hope i 'll be a great designer after completion this course.
3. Yes I 'm
Oct. 14, 2012, 3:08 a.m.
Life has no meaning,
it is an opportunity to create a meaning.....
Location: pakistan
Standard Set Answer:
I am Ghazala from Pakistan.
I am doing MBA.
This topic is related by languge , I m intersted to learn any kind of language.
I hope learn something from here which help me any field of life.
If I can help the course organization definitely I'll do.
Nathan Billis
Oct. 4, 2012, 8:13 a.m.
Standard Set Answer:
I hope to learn more coding
Spencertown Scholar
Sept. 27, 2012, 7:13 a.m.
I'm the Spencertown Scholar!
Location: Spencertown
Standard Set Answer:
I want to pursue this as a career. I think it is a fantastic job.
I hope to further my knowledge and expertise by participating.
Yes, I'm interested in helping with the course organization.
Aug. 29, 2012, 8:38 p.m.
Standard Set Answer:
I'm observing this for a Grad class I'm taking.
Aug. 27, 2012, 2:59 p.m.
Location: Bangladesh
Standard Set Answer:
yes! I interested in helping with the course organization?
Dennis Bayeng
Aug. 22, 2012, 5:47 a.m.
I am a online English teacher and Alternative Learning System(ALS) teacher from Rizal, Philippines.
Location: Rizal, Philippines
Standard Set Answer:
What made you interested in this topic?
I got interested because I think it's an amazing idea to make your own language learning and teaching materials and do it with your peers collaboratively.
What do you hope to achieve by participating?
I hope to share, contribute and learn from the community.
Are you interested in helping with the course organization?
Aug. 16, 2012, 4:51 p.m.
Standard Set Answer:
I am interested in language learning and teaching.
umair ali
Aug. 16, 2012, 11:24 a.m.
em umair frm pakistan studying in 12nd year am trying to do sumthing best so there for am here to do well !!!!!!!!
Location: nowshera pakistan
Standard Set Answer:
Aug. 14, 2012, 3:02 a.m.
Standard Set Answer:
hi, i am Ramsha, and i am a beginner.. a want to leart alot about python language.. and even want to make some product by the help of it... i wish you all will help me in making some thing interesting for kids.. like game stuff.. please guide me how to work on it.. i'll be thankful of all.
July 26, 2012, 10:07 a.m.
Location: Stockholm
Standard Set Answer:
I'm part of the wikiotics team :)