Full Description
This is a course for educators who want to learn about copyright, open content material and licensing. It focuses on the Australian jurisdiction. P2PU offers similar courses for other jurisdictions, so check if there is one for yours. Educators who are not in Australia are free to sign-up as well, but the examples and legal details will focus on Australian law.
The course is taught around practical case studies faced by teachers when using copyright material in their day to day teaching and educational instruction. By answering the case scenarios and drafting and discussing the answers in groups, the participants learn:
- what copyright protects
- whether exceptions or blanket licences apply
- when they need to seek permission
- what is an open education resource (OER)
- what is a creative common licence
- how OER and CC benefits teaching
The goals of this course are:
- to help you identify copyright issues in education and give you a firm grounding in copyright, exceptions and licensing
- to help you recognise open licences, and find open licence material and apply open licences to resources
- to get you thinking, writing and conversing about how to use copyright exceptions and open licences to enable education.
Sign-Up Task
- How do you interact with learning material, for example as teacher, learner, publisher etc.
- Please briefly describe the biggest issues you have experienced with access to learning materials, in your work.
- What type of learning materials do you use?
- What do you do with the learning material, for example do you hand it out to your learners?
- What type of technologies do you have access to at your institution and/or at your home for preparation, and for teaching?
- What type of technologies do the teachers and learners use at your educational institution ?
Do you share learning materials on the Internet?
a. If yes, do you post materials on the Internet or do you reproduce materials off the Internet or both? both
b. If you do not use these materials, please explain why.
c. If you do reproduce teaching material from the Internet, then do you obtain it at specific sites or all over the Internet? - What is copyright?
- Do you know what the Australian copyright legislation deals with educational use of copyright works ?
- Are you aware of copyright exceptions such as fair dealing or flexible dealing? If so, do you make use of copyright exceptions in your educational work?
- Are you aware of any statutory ( compulsory) or voluntary blanket licence agreements in relation to your sector?
- From what sources do you gain your knowledge of copyright?
- When looking for materials to use in education do you consider copyright? If so, why? And how?
- How would you define remixing? Is remixing something that you think that learners should be encouraged to do?
- Are you aware of open licenses? If so, explain what you know about them and what they allow you to do.
- How would you identify a license on material you wanted to use?
- In the education context you are familiar with, are there concerns about copyright infringement by teachers or learners in regards to other people's copyright? If so, please explain.
- In the education context you are familiar with do teachers or institutions have any concerns of being sued for copyright infringement? If so, please explain.