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Syllabus for Designing Communities


Designing for Communities

Day 1:

A basic overview of design standards
Interaction design for the Web
Web Standards 101
Opacity and people’s privacy online
Defining the needs and goals we need to achieve for each online community Defining the different interactions
Brief overview of human psychology and behaviour

Day 2:

Discovery phase workshop:
- Series of questions to ask and answer
- Define Goals
GOALS : show different services and highlight one goal
Now: You think about the one goal you have to achieve for your users
- Define user types and behavior
- Security and Privacy
- Personal cloud (Public and Private)

Competitive analysis

Audit of existing community
Feature list




Day 3:

What and how to display the data collected by people?
How data visualization can help them make decisions, or understand each other and their ecosystem
Data collecting / How a good understanding of data affects our lives

Show and tell

We should be establishing a philosophy about how to treat people, in the same way that visual design is about establishing a philosophy about how to make an impact. Visual design has principles to achieve that: contrast, emphasis, balance, proportion, rhythm, movement, texture, harmony and unity. User experience has its own sets of rules and goals in order to provide a context and an interface that is revelant to peoples' needs and that offers them tools to help them express themselves.

Task Discussion