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Vote for a YouTube user to Popcorn [May 11, 2011, 2:25 p.m.]

By now, I hope you've had a chance to look at the ideas from our chat, and tried adding a picture to our example from P2PU.  If not, here are those links:




What's our next step?  I'm calling a vote to decide which YouTube channel could use some Popcorn interactive-ization by this class.  Although YouTube isn't open HTML5 video, we do have a Popcorn.js player which will make it possible to connect any plugin to it.

Here's three channels I'd like to suggest -- you're welcome to suggest others:

- Google Earth Outreach - maps and activism, some how-to videos

- Mozilla - videos explaining the internet and open web - fairly sure Mozilla would let us convert a video to a truly open format and license -

- BBC Worldwide - clips from Top Gear -