- 1 WK8 - Final Week - course wrap up & reflection
- 2 WK 7 - Cases: Knowledge Forum, WISE, Math Forum, Compendium, embedded phenomena, immersive enviro's
- 3 Badges - or how to complete the course
- 4 How to participate in this class
- 5 Course communications
- 6 List of participant blogs
- 7 W1+W2: Intro to course, and to field
- 8 Meta-discussion about how this group is organized
- 9 Meta-Discussion on Course Content/Components
- 10 Resources
- 11 WK 3 - Group cognition/cognitive artifacts - Gerry Stahl
- 12 Cases
- 13 WK 4 - Knowledge Building
- 14 WK 5 - Design of Collaborative Learning Environments: representational guidance (Suthers)
- 15 WK 6 - Design cont: scaffolding, affordances, scripting
- 16 CSCL Food Court
- 17 CSCL Manifesto
- 18 Understanding misunderstandings
- 19 Meeting Agendas