This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Syllabus [Aug. 21, 2011, 1:53 p.m.]

Course developer and facilitator:

Stephen J.  O'Connor (Steve)

Preferred contact methods:

Skype by appointment

We will also have at least one synchronous web session, schedule to be announced


Week 1 (Oct. 17-23) - Introduction


  • Discuss possible team collaborations
  • Set up a network of resources
  • Explore the pros and cons of multimedia in instruction



  • Introduce yourself and get to know others by viewing other participant’s answers to sign up questions
  • Build our own help desk—share areas of technical expertise
  • Set your own objectives for participating in this course
  • Read, view, and comment upon pros and cons of multimedia instruction


Week 2 (Oct. 24-30) - Multimedia and Graphics


  • Establish common framework for discussing and critiquing multimedia
  • Explore the roles of graphics in instruction
  • View multimedia and instructional graphics with a critical eye



  • Read, view, and discuss media that explores research on improving effectiveness of multimedia
  • Read, view, and discuss media identifying & exploring role of graphics in instruction
  • Reflect upon multimedia and use of instructional graphics in light of research including (some or all):
    • Examples provided
    • Multimedia created by others
    • Multimedia created by self


Week 3 (Oct. 31-Nov. 6) - Application




Create or majorly revise multimedia applying ideas learned in the course




Select a lesson or lessons for your classroom to deliver through multimedia 

Create the multimedia lesson(s)

Evaluate and revise multimedia lesson

Post the lesson so that it can be viewed by other participants


Week 4 (Nov. 7-13) - Reflection:




Reflect upon how you will use what you have learned to create and revise multimedia for classroom learning

Learn from examples of multimedia created by other participants




View and reflect upon multimedia created by other participants

Think and write about how you will use what you learned to improve multimedia in your classroom

Identify others you might collaborate with for course tasks

Complete course evaluation