Standard Set Answer:Looking to expand my skill set and gain knowledge for personal growth
Anyone can follow a study group on P2PU. Participating is the next level of engagement. The sign-up is a space where interested individuals can express their interest and background in the topic and commit to working with the rest of the participants. Please answer the following set(s) of questions if you want to become a participant or organizer.
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Standard Set Answer:Looking to expand my skill set and gain knowledge for personal growth
When the sky turns tungsteen green after the grass land has reached its climax of climbing above the clouds, the first moist to come down and touch the earth is the reflection of my eyes. Because of that, dreamy faces will emerge from the bark of trees. Shadows will cast spell of love to compliment green with red.
If that would be the situation when you hallucinate with yourself, then you see me. You will know me.
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Standard Set Answer:1, I need to upgrade my knowledge in web development by learning PHP
2. I hope to achieve full understanding of PHP as a language tool
3. I am interested in helping the study group
My Motto: "Love. Share. Learn. Empower."
Follow Me: @myp2pu or click for Twitter.
I love being creative through web design, print design, and whereever creativity is elusive. My personal goal is to work for Mozilla Firefox in a design/creation capacity, or in a capacity to reach out to others and fund raising.
I recently started a P2PU Study Group called "Breaking the Language Barriers". If you're interested in teaching your native tongue, please send me a private message. You can view my personal website here.
You have the opportunity of a lifetime with the free university provided by P2PU. Make good use of your opportunity. I know I will.
P2PU and YOU are leading the way to an open web! Our world needs to be one that is open, along with an open web and open society, where no one has to worry when their next meal will be, and if they become ill, that they, regardless of income, would be able to get the very best medical care in a free and open society. Furthermore, every person should be treated with respect, fair and equally regardless of income level, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or color.
Location: USA
Standard Set Answer:To gain as much knowledge as possible iin terms of web design through HTML5 and of course, php, jquery, etc.. As I mentioned in the HTML5 course questions, I believe that people can be reached throurgh creativity because I feel that web designers/developers are part of a movement. The awesome advent of the HTML5, along side with php, jquery, etc; in the hands of the right people, can empower learning and play a major role in societal change; one where everyone is equal, regardless of sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, and coexists in genuine peace.
I want whatever I design through learning here to touch people enough to move them inside, to think of those less fortunate, to rethinkand to move forward to assist whomever they can. I would certainly like to create php items such as forms and other needed items and offer them as open source and for free to non developers.
And yes, I would like to assit others but at this time, my php knowledge in at a minimum. With that said, as I progress in my knowledge in php, I would be more than glad to assist newcomers into the php class.
I'm a project manager for a Communcations group in the Midwest.
Location: Wisconsin
Standard Set Answer:Big fan of PHP. I belong to a usergroup in the Midwest. I"m also a big fan of HTML 5. Looking ot fuse new knowledge of HTML 5 with PHP.
I think learning PHP will be assist me in becoming a better web developer. Also, I'm interested in how the moble app development community is useing PHP to allow the user to have a better experience online.
I'm a Joomla enthusiast just trying to learn as much as I can.
Location: Glasgow
Standard Set Answer:I've been learning jQuery/CSS/HTML all of which help manipulate joomla websites but learning PHP will enable me to build my own components.
I hope to understand what makes up the joomla engine.
I'm interested in helping out in the study groups.
I am a C# programmer and looking to break into php. I have experience in developing sites using C#, HTML, CSS, javascript, jquery, ajax, and database connectivity via microsoft sql 2005.
I enjoy problem solving and challenging algorithm. I love technology and wish to know more about it everyday.
Location: Los Angeles
Standard Set Answer:I have background in web development using C# and I have taken a php courses at a community college. I want to participate in this program since I currenly have lots of time to dedicate in learning php in a group setting. I believe I will catch on fast and learn how to create dynamic webpages. I am very interested in helping others if they are stuck and also get help from the group. I know this will be a wonderful class as long we work in a team.