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Point of View/Define - Step 4 [Aug. 19, 2011, 7:21 p.m.]

WHAT is it?

The goal of this mode is to come up with at least one actionable problem statement. This actionable problem statement (often referred to as Point of View (POV)) is the guiding statement that focuses on the insights that you uncovered from real users. 

WHY do we teach it?

The Define mode is usually seen as a 'narrowing' part of the process. After collecting volumes of user information, it is time to distill down to one specific user group, their need and the insight behind that need so as to unify and inspire a team. During the mode it is very important to be very specific about users. Is the user 'moms' or is the user 'former career women that are trying to balance their family and career'? 
Another common pitfall is to be directly drawn to specific solution ideas. The focus here is still on the needs. The most interesting and innovative solutions will come from gaps in systems of use, usability and meaning.
The goal of the Define mode is:
  • To expose new innovation opportunities by looking at problems differently
  • To guide innovation efforts
  • To help a team confirm that what they've identified is something worth working on
  • HOW do we teach it?
  • This mode can be taught in two steps:
  • Synthesis
  • Point of View (POV)

The description above comes from the K12 wiki



  • Use Twitter or Edmodo, facebook or Skype to reach out to other classrooms or people to interview
  • Interview older or younger students
  • Ask Parents
  • Research the opportunities for change

Resources & tools

Define Mode card:

What worked

What didn't