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Create a Learning Plan

[as found in DIY U: Getting Started With Self Learning]

1. Goal. Pick your path. “I want steady professional employment in the field of sustainability.” “I want to combine teaching English with travel.” "I want to start video blogging." "I want to improve my knowledge of alternative economics."


2. Current Status. Relevant experience, interests and accomplishments, both academic and extracurricular. College courses taken, creative pursuits, volunteer work, personality test results.


3. Learning Steps. Content and skills you’ll need to master--be specific! People or organizations that may become a part of your quest; Courses you want to take; Groups to join; Specific books, videos, websites that you want to read, watch, or use.


4. Experiential Steps. the experiences you want to pursue as part of your learning, including internships, volunteering, travel, leadership of an organization, or experience working with a mentor.


5. Who Can Help. Parent, sibling, friend, P2PU student—someone needs to read this learning plan and help hold you accountable for it. 


6. Next Steps. What are you going to do in the next day, week, month, and year to make your plan a reality? It’s a good idea to review weekly, monthly, or every semester with your guide from step 5.

Task Discussion

  • Eshinee Veith   Sept. 30, 2011, 7:26 a.m.

    I am aware that something which is noticeably absent from this plan is a timeline. The reason for this is the context in which I am learning, along with my own bingeing nature, when it comes to most forms of activity.

    Firstly, my language learning is happening in the context of language program management, home office responsibilities and cross-cultural living. That is to say that while my current priority is language learning, occasionally other things have to become more of a priority temporarily. Therefore, expecting the unexpected, a timeline would only be a suggestion anyway.

    Secondly, my personal tasking tendency is to feel like doing a task, then to do it until I get tired of it and move on to something else. Having that kind of flexibility, to work on vocab for a bit, then switch over to grammar, is something that is of value to me in keeping my language study fresh and exciting. Discipline is not really a strong suit of mine. So, rather than working against that all the time and trying to force myself to be disciplined about language learning - which would essentially be like trying to learn two things at the same time, doubling the potential for excess stress - I keep things fluid and volitional.

    So far, it seems to be working for me. As long as I am doing something towards language learning, that's better than doing nothing, right? My scheduled time for focus on Shiyeyi learning is until early 2012, at which point I will be transitioning into translator selection and training, along with exegetical preparation for actual translation work. But learning Shiyeyi will continue to be a part of what I do for the entirety of my stay here in Botswana.

  • Eshinee Veith   Sept. 26, 2011, 1:54 p.m.


    1. Goal. I want to be able to function in the Shiyeyi language well enough to read and help to edit Shiyeyi Scripture texts
    2. Current Status. I have incorporated some Shiyeyi study into my MA Applied Linguistics (GIAL, 2010). I have been working with Shiyeyi texts since 2007. Recently, I have begun meeting with mother tongue Shiyeyi speakers in Botswana to work on pronunciation and to get back-translations of some Shiyeyi texts into English. I am an active member of the LETS LEARN SHIYEYI group on facebook.
    3. Learning Steps. My plan is to make sure that, in the months to come, I become able to read any of the Shiyeyi language materials that I have available to me. I will have read and understood all of the technical publications related to Shiyeyi which are available to me; ideally, I will also have verified their content. I will practice using and understanding Shiyeyi in conversation with mother tongue speakers.
    4. Experiential Steps. I will participate in the Shiyeyi-learning facebook group. Bahiti and Keene, both mother tongue speakers of Shiyeyi, will assist me in Shiyeyi speaking and listening activities. I will attend a Shiyeyi-speaking church in the Maun area. I will create Shiyeyi-learning materials from what I have learned to assist other learners.
    5. Who Can Help. I have been offered assistance by Bahiti and Keene, as well as by other Wayeyi in the Maun area. Many on the facebook group are offering help as well.
    6. Next Steps. Now, I will compile all of the information that I have gathered in the past few months into a more shareable format. I will then study those materials to fully internalize them.
    7. This is the learning plan that I have created, now shared. Later, I may change the format to a study group, depending on the interest of others.